Lil' King of the Swingers | Amazing Animal Babies | Chimps (Ep 8) | Earth Unplugged

Lil' King of the Swingers | Amazing Animal Babies | Chimps (Ep 8) | Earth Unplugged
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Highly intelligent Chimpanzee babies are born helpless and vulnerable. They spend around five years learning from their mothers before they’re ready to become independent members of the troop.

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Amazing Animal Babies is the show that highlights the tough odds that infant creatures have to survive when they are born in the wild. These kids are cute, but they also have to learn vital survival skills quickly in order to flourish.

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  1. What a cutie! Baby so beautiful and innocent. They treat this baby with love and respect. Nothing like the Macaques of Cambodia. There they have 95% evil mothers.

  2. We didn't understand extinction when we killed the Neanderthals, didn't even know it was possible till the last few centuries. What kind of people will we be if we let these things die off? Our closest living relatives in the animal kingdom. I hope I don't live to see that.

  3. I somehow doubt that baby chimpanzees, who are able to comfortably navigate around low branches and "walk" by the age of a few months old, and who can possess strength equivalent to that of a 5-year-old human child, are "just as helpless as baby humans"

  4. The facts that are given in this video are wrong. After the age of 6months they are still babies dependent on their mothers. The mother may have an another baby when the toddler is 3 or 4, but it still stays close to Mom, as an older sibling. They still depend on Mom to help fiind food and shelter. And the Mother is continuing as its protector until it is big enough to defend itself. The family bond is very stronge in the Ape world! Oh, they don't become "Senior" member's when they're 4 or 5-years-old!!! My god, they're still little guys at that age!!!

  5. I want to raise one until he's at the age where he becomes too unpredictable, I know it'll be hard but it would be a great time in my life. Oh yeah, and I would name him Caesar (obvious reference to the Planet of the Apes reboot).

  6. Baby chimps are cute, but I'm not fond of chimpanzees in general. I preferred Orangutans to chimps because Orangs are not savages when they become adults.

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