Rescue a Poor Abandoned Dog Had only Skin and Bones |Animal rescue TV

Rescue a Poor Abandoned Dog Had only Skin and Bones |Animal rescue TV
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About the Author: Mike Brown


  1. Esto es verdad? Puede una persona ver a un animalito en estas condiciones y NO sentir la necesidad de darle algo de comer ? Por Dios en que mundo vivimos. Bueno por lo menos un angel en su camino, pero cuanto espero el animalito?????????

  2. Thanks a lot for helping. But who's Mike Brown, because the person we watch in the videos is usually that woman in this video. So, who creates the videos? Does this channel really help animals or only take some videos from other channels?
    I'd really appreciate your answer. Regards

  3. У нас в России таких худых нет просто скелетик. Просто с голоду умирают как вашей стране не стыдно кусок хлеба жалко. Спасибо что спасли. Москва

  4. Que triste es ver como el humano desquita sus frustraciones con los más inocentes, gracias por todos los rescatistas que tienen el amor y las ganas de ayudar a estos pequeños, bendecido sean por siempre ?

  5. Qué Bendición de qué lo hayan
    Rescatado, Billones de Bendiciones, Agradecida con su Labor y Dedicación y Paciencia, para todas Estas Bellezas ????????

  6. How the hell she keep going.
    She must have the biggest heart ever. I so want to be there. Please give her a tuckle from me and tell her I love her from Australia. Please keep me updated on this sad furbaby ???????

  7. Господи, откуда они берутся такие измученные голодом, болезнями. Они же ходят возле нас. И никто не видит. Не хочет видеть. Среди миллионов людей иногда находятся неравнодушные люди. Спасибо ИМ.

  8. Vielen lieben Dank dass ihr sie gerettet habt!Ihr seid wunderbar!!Ich wünsche der kleinen Maus alles,alles Gute!!!!
    Fuer euch auch alles Liebe und Gute!!!!!Nochmal DANKE!!!!!


  10. Looks like an emaciated discarded hound. Possibility a hunting dog that couldn't pull her weight and was abandoned. 🙁
    Poor girl has 2 very serious diseases. She should still be at vet on an IV at least till she is eating better. Very sad situation. Ty for helping her.

  11. God bless you dear one..continue to heal..God will protect you and bless you.He's got your back..we got your back..God bless you,keep fighting..
    Thank you all for helping her..God speed to all of you.let's help share the video.thanks everyone..

  12. Pode ter certeza que ela será grata pro resto da vida, gratidão namastê à vocês que a salvaram DEUS os abençoe infinitamente gratidão namastê por tudo ??❤

  13. You are a beautiful angle who sent from above x to rescue her x thank you so much and I can tell that you are pure lady who gives everything to this innocent soul x I love you please update about princess xHugs from England ??

  14. Omg what an awful state this poor baby is in can't understand these arsehole that do this all the abused animals do not deserve the way they are treated thank you for saving this poor baby god bless everyone that helped her and hopefully she will recover and find ah forever home poor baby ??????????????

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