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That stupid pudge kid omg…
"I dodged a bullet and walked across a landmine " ! 😛
5:10, he does have vision on techies. THERES A WARD AT THE RIGHT BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN CMON MAN. You laugh at people for their fails, atleast know what happened why.
Its because pudges name is lovehurts
4:45 Have you noticed red heart on the ground? Is that caused by bloodstone, or Neil just draw it?)
Hey SUNSfan, just a headsup. The Magnus who got killed by Techies…Magnus had vision because of the observer ward.
Look closely on the right side of the screen, there's an observer ward with green hp which meant it's from Radiant's side.
Last name on English sound like Seresha.
How did they win that last game?
Can anyone tell me why the deathmatch doesn t work on Dota 2 Reborn?
What happened if phoenix dived from fountain, then got recalled by X, would he end up on the base thus making it a very long dive??? Possible? hahahahaha
Shackleshot has been fixed :))
lol np
8:04 E.Hazard :v
fan chelsea :3
как называется миниигра с 1 жизнью просто плохо англ знаю
GG wk
4:40 Pudge's name
hearts of the week.
lovehurts chat.
Ummm… Wouldn't he have to die to be finished with his "lifelong" illness? Just sayin'…
how can i send a Fail vid to you guys i seriously need to know how
Whatever happened to Reaves? 🙁
Hi(sorry my arabic is so bad)
Maybe that chat was there to show pugde's id name …. Lovehurts….. Referring to heart of the week
dat Wk is actually a Russian you wanna have in ur team
where can I find this russians?
where can I send to u guys the fail?
That shackle is not bug… its exact direction where the WR shot it towards !!