THIS VALENTINE’S DAY, RESCUED LIONS TARZAN AND TANYA ONLY HAVE EYES FOR EACH OTHER. When the sun is setting in the ADI Temporary Rescue Center in Guatemala, lions Tanya and Tarzan snuggle up together and Tarzan begins to wash Tanya’s head. They have a love that has carried them through the hardest times: 8 long years in a small, bare circus cage in Guatemala, during which Tarzan was in a brutal fight with a tiger. It must have been horrific. His lower lip still droops down after it was ripped from his chin. Despite being the smallest lion rescued by ADI, brave Tanya is Tarzan’s protector, patrolling to keep others away. ADI believes the scars on her face are from Tanya trying to defend Tarzan during that terrifying fight. Tarzan’s untreated, broken, and infected teeth – commonly seen in circus big cats – left him in constant pain but after dental surgery with ADI he has rediscovered his inner kitten. Now, while Tanya watches over and guards him, Tarzan is a soothing influence on Tanya, calming her if she gets spooked – pushing his big face into the top of her head to settle her.
With your help this courageous and loyal lion couple will be spending their next Valentine’s Day roaming a huge natural enclosure at our ADI Wildlife Sanctuary. We also hope to undertake surgery to repair Tarzan’s lip once he reaches our sanctuary.
Give a Valentine’s Day donation for Tanya and Tarzan’s care and to help them to their new life
Donate US $: https://donate.adiusa.org/guatemala/
Donate UK £: https://donate.ad-international.org/guatemala
You can give the purr-fect gift to the one you love, and adopt Tarzan, Tanya, or one of our other rescued lions, as a gift here:
Adopt US $: https://donate.adiusa.org/adoptalion_liberty
Adopt UK £: https://donate.ad-international.org/adoptalion_liberty
#OperationLiberty #ValentinesDay
DONT SEND THEM TO AFRICA. They won’t be respected there. They are better off in a civilized country where vets and staff take care of them. Africa is a bad idea.
Awesome rescue what a horrible past that can be put behind them now
I have such a mix of tears in my eyes right now. My heart aches knowing what they endured together for so many years, but it is also filled with happiness at the joy, freedom, sense of ease, and safety they will now be able to enjoy for the rest of their lives—TOGETHER. Somebody, please pass the tissues!
Thank so much ADI? STOP CIRCUS NOW!respect form italy
THANK YOU for rescuing these big cats — thank you for loving them and caring for them — you are the BEST — all of you — WE LOVE YOU.
Great Job people ???? Thank you ??❤???❤
They are a lovely pair, devoted to each other. Thank you so much for rescuing them and helping them.
im so glad yall save anamals you guys are the best! i have 3 cats and i feed 3 more outside they are streys but anything without a home is my home