Natural disasters can be more powerful and destructive than all other forces on the planet. Throughout human history, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other devastating catastrophes have threatened to wipe out civilizations around the world. Serial Killer Earth brings together a leading team of experts to analyze gripping video footage and eyewitness testimony. Their goal is to determine what caused today’s natural disasters and how they stack up against the worst of all time.
The houses are just like paper,easy to destroy.
Build houses of conceeat ore stone?and not Rolf like the one flying of,the wind have a lot to grab when they are like this.
I lived through hurricane Sandy here in jersey. Our house that's about 20 miles from the coast was hit hard by really high winds. Loads of trees were ripped out of the ground and thrown across roads, onto power lines and on structures. No electricity for 2 weeks. Our shore house at Sandy Hook NJ was under 8' of water. That town is pushed right up against a mountain so the water that rushed ashore was stopped by the mountain turning the whole town into it's own ocean/bay.
I’ve never heard of this hurricane before
Doesn't Tony's wife looks like the woman who did "honey I blew up the kid" the inventor wife
These bitches are laughing while the fuckn bloody shit is goin you bitches deserve it , life ot death nd they giggle evem after like they flattered cus on a bloody episode muthafuckrs them wen a few dead thy all ewwwrr blarrghh , you had it coming
Saw a commercial on TV today; is it actually that Accuweather is finally back on Verizon FiOS? My dad has DirectTV.
Tsunami in a hurricane? That never happens. It's storm surge
Ssodkfkf xxx
Omgg a hurricane is on the way to my city n I'm scareedd???
Iniki must have been on her period
This is a very very cool
When the guy said a chimney is all that's left of my house at least he'll be warm… sorry I'm really sad bout this and the fact that so many people died I'm just trying to cheer myself up by telling really sad depressing jokes ????
Ahh I remember hurricane iniki even though I wasn't alive back in 1992 lol
hopefully I don't get this weather ?
I think Iniki is retired
see this is why I don't live in Florida or enything because of this so I'm lucky I don't get those
HAARP again, causing more and more destruction, Water Shortage, Loud Bangs, Strange Clouds with different colors, Sink Holes, Snow, Floods, Tornadoes, Tsunami's, Volcanic Eruptions, Earthquakes, Violent Weather Conditions, Climate Change. Slaughter of Sea Fish and Sea Mammals. The list is endless.
This is terrible
Where is that video where that guy got thrown into a tornado?