A live horrible accident caught by Camera from India Tamper Evident — October 23, 2019 8 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist Un believable! source camera phone free sharing upload video video phone Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
That is very dumb thing to do. Why would you jump around knowing what is going to happen. Hope and pray that they were rescued.
It shows crossing on risky situation is important than the life ?. Why they do stupidity ? Why they want to kill that innocent child too ??
That is very dumb thing to do. Why would you jump around knowing what is going to happen. Hope and pray that they were rescued.
So desparate to died huh foolish Indian
Dumd head ! move away from the road bridge , it is not a game, dammit!!!
Stupid fuckheads!
Welldone idiots welldone
Oh god.. ._.
It shows crossing on risky situation is important than the life ?. Why they do stupidity ? Why they want to kill that innocent child too ??