Cutest Baby Shark Happy Shark Funny Shark Toy Shark
“It got views cause people thought it was real”
“That is real shark ?”
“”OH MY SUPER CUTE OMG ? ? ? IT SOOOOO CUTE AHHHH I want to hug it so much!!!!!! Ahhhhh wit is that real??? ???? if its a toy we’re do you buy it,???? Case it solo cuteeeeee!!!!!! ???”
“The shark is edited and is not real.look close up when he touches the shark”
“Is the shark real because I have never seen a shark survive without water”
“Its a fake shark -_- its out of water, if it was real it would be dead by now ._.”
Hope you like this funny cute baby animals compilation, please like and share!!
All the clips in the video are collected from https://www.youtube.com/user/ferabachini/ If you (owners) did not submit or give consent for use, please CONTACT US DIRECTLY before doing anything. We will respectfully remove it.
Send your email to ngolinh789@gmail.com
Baby shark tututurururu
big brain time
This fake. Everyone knows sharks are eXTiNCt
It is fake
ItтАЩs not fake like if not fake
shark fakeeeee
I thought it was a fake shark never thought it was real but thought it was a toy
I know its fake that like a plastic or toy and how many people know the shark is fake
1:17 that face is actually cute
Love yuo
That is not real because shark can not breath aiut of the water
N├гo vei como
Lol 00:28 is so funny
estan super bonitos
If it fack how do that move
E de verdadeiro ├й
No You' r in water, is fake
Amei lindo
So cute ???
This is real shark or no
Is the shark a computer animation or real?
Sangat lucu
The shark is real. BRO that lives in land!!??? ? OMG
Keyout baby shake
I know that because I'm shark puppet I ain't dumb bitch
The shark would be dead