Alligator vs. Black Bear | Animal Face-Off

Alligator vs. Black Bear | Animal Face-Off
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On this episode of Animal Face-Off an alligator and black bear go head to head.

For More Intense Animal Brawls Check Out:

The American alligator uses its formidable jaws to
crush turtles, but find out how it will fare against another Florida native.
Smaller than brown bears and polar bears, black bears are not only incredibly
powerful?they can be downright nasty.


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About the Author: Admin


  1. First off
    If the alligator bite the bear it's game over their is no way that the bear is escaping that unless it's leg is ripped off or the crocodiles is shot square in the head

    2. Alligators do not run out of steam that fast it can take 30 minutes to fully wear them out

    3. Their is no way the best could flip over the alligator it is twice it's weight not to mention it's alive and it's harder to move something that is moving and strong swip the the under belly won't kill the gator they put up with way worse than that and it's nothing they won't heal off

    This fight should've ended right when the gator bit the bear the bear is dragged out into the water and it is killed
    Also their underbellies arnt As soft as you think and are far more durable than the bears skin

  2. I find it highly unlikely that once the gator struck out the water that it would just sit there and bite down harder its just to unrealistic the gator would most likely try to pull the bear back into the water not only that a alligator wouldn't try to pounce on a animal that far away from the water not only that if the gator did in fact jump out the water and couldn't drag the bear back int it then it would go for a death roll it would retreat then death roll mind you during this the gator still has its teeth in the bear

  3. Come on. I've been guessing with my wife and I'm losing all these challenges. This is bullshit. No way a BLACK BEAR beats an alligator.

  4. Well. They probably wouldn’t fight and a Alligator would likely just whip its tail while trying to escape before the bear could even get a proper position to flip the Gator. Not to mention the Gator wouldn’t go that far out of the water to even attack the bear

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