Askul corporation building in Sendai JAPAN AT THAT TIME i was there
signs the end of timesand these are few signs,that lots of earth quakes will happen,storms…
4.20Господи,человек сидит в машине. Помилуй его, Господи!
Fue lo más triste del mundo
Is there someone that can translate what the narrator says at the end?
Horrible. Poor people caught in that.
why he close the door? so it wont get a dent? i want my passengers 2 be that concerned about my new toyota prius
It was a very sad dragedy climate made by nature…????
Great video. brave man.God bless you.
Why all the bad thing was happenimg with japanis people like tsunami america drop atom bom
Probably better to just stay in the vehicle won't get crushed between cars and other stuff.
i wanna know what happen to the guy in the car… plsss
Look at the people who wouldn't get out of their cars. I see several go all the way under and the people had to have drowned. It is so sad to see their loss. I have survived a major flood, and lost everything before. It is very hard to get over this kind of devastation. So many lost loved ones. Plus what is ahead. No way to keep food and no place that has food to buy. No cars that will run. No clean water. The people who have food will not share it, due to the fear that they will not have enough to last until help arrives. No way to cook or get things like diapers, formula cigarette, medications. It's very bad. When New Orleans flooded from the Hurricane, my little sister was living in the area, and she told me that what few things they did have, (generators, and fuel to run them) the government workers came and took. Said they needed it to do rescues. In other words they robbed the poor people who had just lost everything. I had to wire money for my sister to get her family out of there, so they could have food. She told me they walked for 12 miles to find electricity to pick up the money I wired to her. Body's were laying out in the streets, and the people became like savages. Stabbing people for their food. Human nature can be pretty ugly when your in survival mode. Money was not available because ATM's were under water too.
That was awesome
Ya allah
omg my heartbeats r racing while watching dis video……d most scary part is tht evry vehicle has people …..who was struggling for lyf ??
I'm not going to Japan!, y'all have Tsuanmis!.. Look at this shi#!.
For those who don't understand Japanese, he just kept saying 3 words over and over. Kosum Kai Tirukacha…..meaning the tsunami kept coming.
Oh my god it's really scary these videos about tsunami of Japan always break my heart
My heart was racing watching this video. This is scary!
Nhaaà dạaat xeee trooôi chốn xa xôi eeem ơiii anh vẫn chờ và sẽ đợi
Only one word hatsoff to Japanese people
If im inside that car i dont know what to do. Maybe i will scream and scream. To let go of my fears .
Your car already upgraded to be a boat
2:15 Oof the car beside the black suv is a Lexus,the one gta 5's sultan rs is based off of
The most gracious people in the world.
What if you were him!!
Askul corporation building in Sendai JAPAN AT THAT TIME i was there
signs the end of timesand these are few signs,that lots of earth quakes will happen,storms…
4.20Господи,человек сидит в машине. Помилуй его, Господи!
Fue lo más triste del mundo
Is there someone that can translate what the narrator says at the end?
Horrible. Poor people caught in that.
why he close the door? so it wont get a dent? i want my passengers 2 be that concerned about my new toyota prius
It was a very sad dragedy climate made by nature…????
Great video. brave man.God bless you.
Why all the bad thing was happenimg with japanis people like tsunami america drop atom bom
Probably better to just stay in the vehicle won't get crushed between cars and other stuff.
i wanna know what happen to the guy in the car… plsss
Look at the people who wouldn't get out of their cars. I see several go all the way under and the people had to have drowned. It is so sad to see their loss. I have survived a major flood, and lost everything before. It is very hard to get over this kind of devastation. So many lost loved ones. Plus what is ahead. No way to keep food and no place that has food to buy. No cars that will run. No clean water. The people who have food will not share it, due to the fear that they will not have enough to last until help arrives. No way to cook or get things like diapers, formula cigarette, medications. It's very bad. When New Orleans flooded from the Hurricane, my little sister was living in the area, and she told me that what few things they did have, (generators, and fuel to run them) the government workers came and took. Said they needed it to do rescues. In other words they robbed the poor people who had just lost everything. I had to wire money for my sister to get her family out of there, so they could have food. She told me they walked for 12 miles to find electricity to pick up the money I wired to her. Body's were laying out in the streets, and the people became like savages. Stabbing people for their food. Human nature can be pretty ugly when your in survival mode. Money was not available because ATM's were under water too.
That was awesome
Ya allah
omg my heartbeats r racing while watching dis video……d most scary part is tht evry vehicle has people …..who was struggling for lyf ??
I'm not going to Japan!, y'all have Tsuanmis!.. Look at this shi#!.
For those who don't understand Japanese, he just kept saying 3 words over and over. Kosum Kai Tirukacha…..meaning the tsunami kept coming.
Oh my god it's really scary these videos about tsunami of Japan always break my heart
My heart was racing watching this video. This is scary!
Nhaaà dạaat xeee trooôi chốn xa xôi eeem ơiii anh vẫn chờ và sẽ đợi
Only one word hatsoff to Japanese people
If im inside that car i dont know what to do. Maybe i will scream and scream. To let go of my fears .
Your car already upgraded to be a boat
Oof the car beside the black suv is a Lexus,the one gta 5's sultan rs is based off of
「私は道であり、真理であり、命です。だれも父のもとに来るのではなく、私によってです。」 (ジョン14.6)
「キリストは聖書に従って私たちの罪のために死にました、そして彼は葬られました、そして、3日目に彼は聖書に従って再び起きました」1 Cor。 15:3-4
「これは私の罪の赦しのために多くの人に注がれた契約の血です」。 マタイ26章:28節
Did the cameraman inside the car is survived or died
madre mía…debe ser horrible vivir esa experiencia…que susto…que pavor…joder joder…no lo quiero ni pensar…ufff
Who can tell me accutuail % of people take bath every day in japan?
Tusonami dengeuers in Japan 2011pakistan help to Japanese public
That's horrific to watch. My heart hurts for the people trapped in their cars. ?
Mientras sigan maltratando a los delfines. Siguieran pasando más
Tsunami. O.K,
Bet that made his Fukin eyes oval
Good job he had the window wipers on !
pallets wherever you go theres pallets