This ground movement is somewhat spectacular to witness, as far as how much energy was released to move Everything like that, and for how many miles in a wide area. The initial movement occurs around the 1:27 mark. Full Screen is Best.
If I had to guess the distance between the camera location and those brown colored buildings, I would say +/- 1/2 mile maybe.
You have to disregard the camera shaking and focus on the light brown background buildings in relation to the row of grey buildings on the right side of the street furthest from the camera. At approximately 1:45 the buildings in the background move left and then right a couple times.
Earthquake : happening
Uncle on bike with lady : still trying to drive anyways
Wow! that is amazing!
Idk man but earthquakes looks fun
Mother Earth was trying to let people cross the street cuz the cars were not stoping for no one.
They are so used to it there, they just stop, hold on to something and wait for it to stop.
Now I can cross the street . Cool
Good mothafoking footage son
Did this just got recommended?
Good job
Ohh, It's really a earthquake I was expecting ghost that gonna come in front of cmra?
Am glad no body got injured.They acted like the people who was awear of what is going on.They are brave.
Yeah scary crap. Witnessed it a several times in Greece.
Its a scary experience….. i felt the same in 2001 gujarat earth quacks… you are simply helpless if the ground beneath you is trembling….. more scary when you live in highrise apartments and you have to climb down all the stairs and need to get as far as possible from towering buildings around you… the worst part is next 2 to 3 months when real aftershocks and our constant imagination of aftershocks haunt us….
Even without the earthquake this video is insane!
It's like when i am having sex, hahahaha
The ONLY thing that stood out for me was the fact that the two poor dogs ran for safety @2:18
I got this in a CAR recomendation
Look at all these people at this very moment it doesn’t matter if they’re bosses, workers, politicians, etc
They are defenseless against the nature. Against a tiny part of universe , just like small ants that can be killed at any moment.
May main take from this is how useless pedestrian crossings are in Nepal!
At 2:19, 2 dogs probabily became insane out of nowhere
..people always run when there is a fire or an earthquake…don't know why…
All staged actors
I witnessed an earthquake
Only the Earthquake stops the traffic and give the pedestrians a unique opportunity to cross the road !!!!!!
They're groovin
Looking for the comment which says the earthquake starts at 1:30..
the guy in the middle of the street at 1:45 brain said “WHATS WALKING”
left wale uncle ne toh badiya pose dediya?? 2:05
2:20 the dude came out with an umbrella just in case it rains after the earthquake.
Starts at 1:30
My attention is on How disciplines the people are , no divider is needed for vehicle ,
Yesterday Middle East countries have little earthquake ? I’m scared at bed ?
You are late to upload this video #YouTube……………….Shameful……….
Why did the chicken cross the road?