Panic engulf residents as ghost is caught on camera

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Police in Espanola, New Mexico are catching more than just criminals. They are catching images of what they believe are ghosts on surveillance cameras at the police department.

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About the Author: KTN News Kenya


  1. Ghosts or not, I do believe I am being followed and watched by something.
    I have had too many strange, unexplainable encounters.
    I feel I am safe though because the energy around me is nothing negative.
    Maybe it's my guardian angel?
    Whatever it is, it really does like me.
    I have seen an orb with my bare eyes. Rare? Yes, Impossible? No.
    It was the most amazing experience out of them all!
    To this day, I do not care if I'm believed because I know what I saw.
    What confirmed it is I wasn't the only one seeing the same thing.

  2. Stupidity is stupidity and the lack for no sensationalism… 24 hour loop on the same film.. 1 week loop on the same film. ETC..Bleeds through on the current view… Sorry to s*** on their parade? Sensationalism..

  3. Super Cop : "Theres no logical explanation for this, theres no way in or out of here and we get alot of ghost stories 'round here."
    The night before
    Plastic Bag : "Sup dawg?"

  4. Of course, any sort of paranormal activity is ALWAYS caught on camera and that camera usually always has the quality of a damn potato…. Shitty ass video quality

  5. Freaking morons, anytime you see an image like that, especially white transparent on a CCTV screen, get all spiders cleared away from camera lens, they are insects reflecting, it's not believable, go get a spider and a flood light and and camera and see for yourself,. Next asshole I find trying to scare people, i am going to scare the soul of their dead into them

  6. It’s just an old video tape. If you overwrite the tape every night then it will start to wear out, and therefore show old video on top of the new one. So the “ghost footage” is probably just an officer in the middle of the day walking into the station.

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