“This is the story of my life!” -Steven
Give this child a break ;-;
The episodes are listed before the clips, so you know when to avoid spoilers.
For the sake of a shorter video, I didn’t include the times he almost died on his own (via shapeshifting, such as in “Cat Fingers” or “So Many Birthdays.”) I also didn’t include the times he wasn’t intended to be killed (like when he fell in “Rose’s Scabbard” and when Jasper knocked him out in “The Return”).
There are so many other times he nearly died. This video would just be the entire show if I included them all, haha.
1) Was Rose's fault (living moss with a mind of it's own, like watermelon stevens)
2) Lapis overreacted
3) Pearl wanted to show Steven space
4) Robonoids nearly killed him, but that was because a) they're robots and b) he was in the way of their objective
5) Peridot doing her job
6) Was Rose/Pink's fault because if she never faked her shattering, homeworld wouldn't have left a geo weapon to destroy earth after the war.
7) Rose's fault
8) If Rose/Pink never faked her shattering Jasper wouldn't be trying to kill Steven, if anything Jasper might've joined up with Pink's rebellion if she knew her Diamond was leading it.
9) Again Rose's fault (but how DID she get back to homeworld?)
10) I wouldn't consider that near death, just a concussion
11) Again Rose/Pink's fault for lying to her fellow diamonds
12) To be fair, White thought that Pink was hiding inside of the gem while it was being used by Steven, which she wouldn't have done if Pink didn't lie to the diamonds for 6,000 years
13) Spinel thought that she had been used and was going to be forgotten because she hasn't fully healed and probably never will from the emotional damage wrought by Pink's abandonment
So altogether 8/13 times Steven almost died can be blamed on his mother, that's 61.538461538%
man I really hope we see Jasper break when she realizes Pink was a traitor
A compilation of what should've been
Most of the moments when Steven is almost killed has Garnet saving him lol
I am in tears for the last one.
I hate Steven universe
5:39 if you listen very closely jasper says you're (a) diamond
COME ON ur about to cry cuz ur nose is bleeding (in the movie) I mean cry for death not bleeding ??
2:32 and that's why garnet is the best mom
You forgot jailbreak when the hand exploded and in the movie when steven almost trips over the warp pad when he goes to visit amethyst
Cat Fingers, anyone?
MeL heh…yeah… At least everything came out ok!
ME: (Heartrate picks uo)
"Steven universe nearly dying complation"
Me: "Ha Relatable "
This is how Greg lost his hair over the years ?
I think Steven needs therapy after this video
Wait I just realised.maybe pearl was trying to take steven to the garden from the movie
What about when Steven was a water melon and that water melon shark attacks him?
Do mean all steven that alomst killed?
One of my darkest moments of my entire life 8:21
And i thought i had problems
That plot armor is so thin yet so strong
Steven should be dead by now even after the movie!
our boy steven's been through a lot
I love this part, I can't stop laughing
ouch l though steven really died after pull his gem off
Episode lengths without death S1:
Episode lengths without death S3:
look again at paradot eyes 3;34
Steven: "This is the story of my life!"
I can think of a lot more. Someone help this kid
10:20 and yet, some people found that funny, how?
XD I made a video where spinel kills Steven universe
yeah it sucks
Onion I think…
You missed that while lapis was flying with steven lapis didn't focus on holding him and steven almost fell to his death
What about episode six?
He’s been almost killed too many times. Oof.
My mind: sees title
it's every episode
Wait, on the last, Steven can float, so would that not count as him almost dying?
This happens more than necessary
His last words are generally either: cute, deep, or surprising.