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And they didn't make it to 122 together 🙁
The Invoker chase was so satisfying, I'm sick of seeing Invoker
He's a menace whether he's on the enemy team or your team, because of tornado
Sunsfan : We will never make it to 122
Now i see what he meant, Reaves :'(
Rip reaves
Bristle fapping them quills
sunsfan and reaves make this so much more enjoyable xD, I'm left in tears after watching like 2-3 episodes
Меня одного прикалывает как они произносят русские ники?))
Haha. That last clip on bb was pretty cool!
bad ping can bring u anywhere
What the hell happened at 4.40?
DotaCinema …. i want to send u an awesome fail photoh …. please help me how can i !!
Duel's animation from above looks a lot like the Hunger Games' logo. The mockingjay pin.
Dear SUNSfan, Reaves and Neil!
Please help to give some support for our new Storm Spirit set that have just been submitted into the Steam Workshop
omg techies jukes was fucking awsome
don't' get it, why did pugna die o.o
Invoker probably had a CRT tube monitor and doesn't care about ever adjusting the screen and had 3 inch thick black bars at the edges of the monitor and thus didn't see techies it's the only possible way I can understand what just happened there.
where is fail of the week 113?
Wtf? Why in USA u have great DC sets, eg : for centaur, for clockwerk , but in Russia and in EU we doesnt still have it?
That Bristle won like 10 lvls in that ramapage
i thought this was supposed to be fails of the week? That was an incredibly calculated bristle play.
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10 days now guys! NEW EPISODE?
This episode is really great. I bet people who failed in these clips wanted to laugh at themselves.
Pls next Dota Fails of the Week in glorious 60 fps 🙂
i <3 it
Why Invoker is so tard – answer is simple – he had russian nickname. Does it need to be sayed more?
these people must be permanently banned.
After playing 1500+ hours of Dota 2 i can't stand the game any more, no matter how much i like the game, i can't enjoy and have fun, one thing that i'm aware is that i haven't evolved to well as a dota player, cause i come from FPS and i haven't adapted that wright, also i never had a solid team and reliable friends and i took the hardest path: the support role. I aways like more support heroes than carry/mid roles, when i started playing Dota 2 was very fun to play supports but then it became hell, is sad and anoying, some time ago i was playing Nyx, is was on a losing streak and the game started good for my team we had a timber, wich was solo q, and he was owning the enemy team, i say him he was doing a very good job and then when he was far ahead level 25 and the enemy players betwen lv. 11-14, the timber player, say "i'm to good and i gonna do something cool", he sold all his big timber picked items and bought 2 rapiers (facepalm) went solo against the five enemy players and he lost the rapiers and started to feed stupidly, the dude was serius he thought he could own the dire team with timber rapiers, i did my job right but he made dumb decisions and this happen all the time and is just frustraiting for me. No matter how good one can or cant be they rely on the others to win. I love this game a lot, is complex, deep, engaging but maybe is not for me anymore. Players become better and better and know more each day, the challenge is greater, i discovered that the more i play less fun it becomes, you want every thing to go right and when does not happen i feel bad.
What happened to Reaves being in character? ^_^
can someone explain how or why did pugna died there? he was using his ulti to drain a creep and he simply died?
Was it with blademail with bristle?
0:54 the first korean dota2 user in dotacinema fails of the week. I`m also korean
Russian Invoker, best Invoker.
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I just discovered this and it's amaizing
That last moment with bristle O_O just wow…