Dota 2 Fails of the Week – Ep. 112

Dota 2 Fails of the Week - Ep. 112
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  1. Invoker probably had a CRT tube monitor and doesn't care about ever adjusting the screen and had 3 inch thick black bars at the edges of the monitor and thus didn't see techies it's the only possible way I can understand what just happened there.

  2. After playing 1500+ hours of Dota 2 i can't stand the game any more, no matter how much i like the game, i can't enjoy and have fun, one thing that i'm aware is that i haven't evolved to well as a dota player, cause i come from FPS and i haven't adapted that wright, also i never had a solid team and reliable friends and i took the hardest path: the support role. I aways like more support heroes than carry/mid roles, when i started playing Dota 2 was very fun to play supports but then it became hell, is sad and anoying, some time ago i was playing Nyx, is was on a losing streak and the game started good for my team we had a timber, wich was solo q, and he was owning the enemy team, i say him he was doing a very good job and then when he was far ahead level 25 and the enemy players betwen lv. 11-14,  the timber player, say "i'm to good and i gonna do something cool", he sold all his big timber picked items and bought 2 rapiers (facepalm) went solo against the five enemy players and he lost the rapiers and started to feed stupidly, the dude was serius he thought he could own the dire team with timber rapiers, i did my job right but he made dumb decisions and this happen all the time and is just frustraiting for me. No matter how good one can or cant be they rely on the others to win. I love this game a lot, is complex, deep, engaging but maybe is not for me anymore. Players become better and better and know more each day, the challenge is greater, i discovered that the more i play less fun it becomes, you want every thing to go right and when does not happen i feel bad.

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