✯So what’s going on guys, It’s your boy YUSMB & Today I am presenting you guys with i got into a car crash yesterday.. (with real video included) | near death experience
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YoungN Lipz misunderstood debut song lit as lessssggooo brother.
Late as fuck but glad ur ok my nigga????
YoungN Lipz misunderstood debut song New wave from Australia performed with TYGA last night in Sydney AMust yo…
I hope you good
Things happen at God's speed, not ours. When "bad" things happen, there's a purpose. We may not see the full picture until later, but believe there's a reason and it's God's plan at work. Maybe you walked away from THIS accident because down the block another was waiting for you and you might have lost your life. Keep the faith and put out positivity and proclaim in a loud voice that better is coming your way, and it will. Stay blessed.
I will pray for u…
Hey hope you're okay.
Damn, I'm glad you're ok D:
How do u always have these near death experiences? Maybe u need to move or be with someone like a parent or something. Sorry dude
,if you need something to be happy about you are still alive and not injured just put it behind you and get back to business life is like that good and bad take care and good luck.
I was hit from the side by a girl driving her Grandma’s Caddy a couple of years ago. Praise God, it was not as bad as it could have been, because of the difference of ONE SECOND.
The other driver attempted to make a left-hand turn into me. I understand how it could happen—it was dark, and ALL FOUR ENTRANCES to the intersection had construction barrels etc. Basically, there was a lot of visual chaos at play. She approached the intersection not seeing me and kept on going to make the turn. I was going through at top speed (35mph) because I had the green light.
When I came to a stop I was all the way across the intersection and on the shoulder. I was struck right at the wheel well. Because it was there, the frame really absorbed the force. If it had been one second later, all of that would have gone RIGHT into my car door. My mechanic confirming my totaled car said that a reinforced steel bar was cracked in two places. “She must have hit you HARD. Because I’ve never seen that.” ?
Amazingly, all I had was whiplash for a few days. WHAT?!? Crazy. I HAVE had a low-back issue develop after the fact, but it’s NOTHING like it could be. So thank you God!
I’m so glad that you are doing okay! If you have anything come up in your body in the next few months that is new, go to your doctor and establish a record of it. That would be very helpful with regard to insurance. Just a suggestion. ? Please rest your body and take care of yourself.
Keep your chin up…it will get better. Sometimes it takes us getting our eyes off of our own bad situations and looking at someone else, help them, say a word of encouragement to them…Soon you will see that you are doing better than before….or maybe it will take you out of all your mess. Prayers going up.
Glad you are okayy, take care!!
Im so happu you're still alive ! Stay healthy bro?
OMG PLS stay safe ????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pleased you ok. Hope things get better for you stay strong ?
Watch ur videos from the uk bro bless up and stay safe my nigga
Glad you are safe??That is so scary??
jheeze bigman stay strong
Thank God you are still alive bro, life is precious
Pray for me by g-eazy nice fckn song
cars can be replaced bro you cant. stay safe
Bro u put ur fcking hands on me I'ma catch ur body haha nice vid bro
Oh no…stay safe!!!?❤️
Omg! Are you ok?
O my god, I’m so sorry to hear that! Hope you’re doing ok ?
Big ups