Donald Trump spreads a lot of false information thanks to his daily consumption of morning cable news. If only we could sneak some facts into the president’s media diet.
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this video would have to be 56 hrs long today
Reminder: John Oliver is not a US Citizen. He is a foreign agent meddling in US elections. Not a citizen.
"Of particular concern to Oliver is Trump's executive actions on immigration, which he fears could worsen. He is not an American citizen himself."
omfg I tpyed ( prove trump innocent ) in google i found no results no shit. oh Still no wall.
Best way to educate?
@Lastweek, i DARE you to make a part 2 of this XD
True conservatives are athiests.
Paul Ryan is a closet gay.
trump hates facts and reality. trumps christian friends deny facts.
This video was ahead of its time ( it's 10/2019 )
With politics you can expect statements with a side of bullshit but with trump it’s mostly bullshit with a side of bullshit.
Can't forget his lie that he's building a wall in Colorado, probably to keep those New Mexicans out.
Great video. Can anyone help me find that terrific old cowboy in a shorter episode?
"It's the same director that did the moon landing!"
Alex Jones, 20 minutes after watching this episode: "Stanley Kubrick is ALIVE, people! The government faked his death so they could use him for their own purposes, without their golden boy being in the public eye! If you ever needed any more proof that Hollywood is part of the Deep State Illuminati conspiracy to control your brain, there it is! I couldn't believe it at first. I mean, I knew he worked with them, but when he died I just assumed the CIA killed him. Discarded asset! Now I know the truth. They hate you! They hate God! They hate liberty! And they have world-famous directors locked up to direct their false flag operations! Keep your eyes on Darren Aronovsky, cuz he'll be 'dead' this time next year!"
What he means when he says words is always simple. Every statement means the same thing. They all mean "Trump is God".
Dunno how much me money you guys spent on these adds but sofar it's been a total waste imo. Because Drumpf's behaviour hasn't changed at all and he seems to be getting dumber almost every day. I'm not suprised by this though ??.
get ur news directly from ur leader, was the same way, the nazis put out their news, congrats usa u got a bad case of nazi politics
The rich don'tnt want smart people in politics they want puppets who will do whatever the rich to be fair they all lie
To be fair IT could of forgot I don't like him they bet lets be reasonable all politicians are puppet for rich look at the way all politicians answer questions with questions and they been trained the way due to media they use to edit stuff
omg the commercial at the end i was in hysterics was so funny
Two and a half years later, and I wish we could go back to these times…
When my daughter grows up, she wants to be just like president…
Rest In Peace Bill Paxton
Funny, you don't sound American. How about you mind your own business and shut the fuck up? Cheers
Trump for Prison!!!
Voting is no a privilege it’s a right 15:10
5:11 Fascism gesture brought to you by Mussolini
you ain't funny dude you're a stupid s*** Baby Raper and you will be hunted down and murdered when you're seen out in public by anyone who knows who you are there will come a day when you won't show your face in public for fear of your life
we are fucked