Meet Koko, a western lowland gorilla who has been taught sign language. She’s making us question what we think we know about animal intelligence. Join in the conversation on social media with #TalkingGorilla.
The full documentary airs on BBC One Wednesday 15th June and will be available on BBC iPlayer for 30 days afterwards. For those in the US, it’s broadcast on PBS on the 3rd August.
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Nowonwrds koko or goridala will join school with kids?
Even if Koko couldn't have done this, she would've still been smarter than members of the African race.
Wow !!!
So sad koko is dead
I know one that tweets but has no feelings.
No matter how you put it, this is clickbait, plain and simple. Delivered, but still bait.
I imagine doing like 20 koko projects and then releasing them together telling them to stay together and teach the language to their sons, and boom, gorilla village
How human can a gorilla be? I think that should probably be the other way round.
Well they are next to become us. But by then we'll be aliens far from here. & They'll barely make fire, build huts and Spears and pyramids
So that’s where they came from………….
We share much of our DNA with apes …why wouldn't they be as smart as us?
I dont see i don't hear he talking
I read a book about koko
Mama Coco?
She was smart enough to use 2 languages: the natural sounds and movements of gorila comunication, and the sign language of humans she was able to learn. Seems to me she's smarter than some people want to acknowledge. Glad her trainer didn't let envy stop her from leaving such a great impact on this world.
Anyone who has ever owned a dog, knows humans and animals can communicate, So of course, Gorillas, Orangutans and chimps are able to communicate more.
They should teach humans not to keep animals in captivity
Detroit Become Gorilla
Not one word spoken in the end..
Koko was a beautiful person.
when koko said ????? i felt that
I had a book about koko when I was a child. It was about her and her kitten
This woman is amazingly genius ❤
They also did a surgery on a grape
2:00 to 2:03 Did anyone else notice those facial expressions? ???
I’ve read about Koko back in fifth grade 1999-2000. I drew a picture of Koko as well.
Anyone who has ever worked with animals know they communicate.. They communicate the same way they communicate with each other.. They just don't talk so ignorant folks don't understand.
The nerdy pseudointelligent jealous scientist skeptic:
2+2 is 4, but can you prove it?
The sky is blue, but can you prove it?
Get a life…
My boy Winston
Wow,that scary but awesome in the same time
What entitles us is being at the top of the food pyramid. Nature isn't nice and rank has its privileges
I miss KoKo???
The bible doesn’t say anything about animal to human communication? I wonder?
I thought the Gorilla would give an interview
How we tease our younger sister??
If you think animals can not think, that belive is just "a suggestion". If someone tells you "you can not do this" that is only a suggestion. In this world we live, everything is possible, the only limitation is time, and that is what "I believe". Whenever someone tells you something, those are just suggestions, and your own ideas are just that "suggestions".
So the coco cola belongs to gorilla???
Man did you heard that Jon ivy sound