Brought in as a stray, Hank the Tank found himself at a city shelter. Luckily, Sherri was there to rescue another dog and walked by his run. She couldn’t let him sit there, alone and in pain, so she went back and rescued him, too! He is a little on the thin side, but he does not look like he spent the majority of his life on the streets. Did his owner turn a blind eye to this gigantic problem? For how long? Did neighbors see him and say nothing?
Whatever happened to this sweetie in the past has not changed his good nature and love of people. Hank the Tank is now seeing a specialist at the Newport Beach Veterinary Hospital and is receiving excellent care. We will update you on his condition when we know more!
Read his update here: http://www.dogheirs.com/lunderscoreo/posts/4965-my-life-started-on-a-monday-updated
RIP, Hank.
Thank you for this video in memory of Hank the Tank. His last days were with people who loved him and gave him kisses and affection and medication for his pain. A very heartfelt story….I may not sleep well for a few nights after this story….but knowing your organization is in this world is comforting…and especially all the beautiful people who have their eyes on alert looking for suffering animals…when will all this suffering stop! Keeping up the important work of reducing suffering is a joy….and great to be a team with caring people like yourselves. Very gratefully, Meg, Eastern Canada, Owner of 5 rescued dogs, of which 3 are Am. Staffs…and one of them uses a wheelchair for longer walks….
The update says that Hank was shot through with cancer and died shortly after the operation. Too bad… if he'd been treated for it early he probably could've lived a long life.
We need an update on Hank the Tank. Did he have surgery? Is he okay?
Can we have news please, i'am so sad for her …
arrh hope hank the tank is ok and it wasn't anything too serious. you are very lovely people to do this good lick xx
This pup is in agony yet he's so sweet! Wishing Tank well and fingers crossed! Love your choice of music too!