When the teenage daughter of a reclusive family of artists falls in love with an unusual boy at school, she awakens mysterious powers and discovers ancient family secrets that will change her life forever.
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When the teenage daughter of a reclusive family of artists falls in love with an unusual boy at school, she awakens mysterious powers and discovers ancient family secrets that will change her life forever.
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love the ranbow sweater jacket. 🙂
Message movie. So glad Democrats will save us all–ha ha! Waste of talented actors.
Nicely filmed, Not too bad of a story, probably better for me 25 years ago cause I guess I've kind of lost my young person sense of adventure a little bit.
The original earth was run by the indian female goddess till the angels fell and set up religion and adam eve race and destroyed planet. thats why the devil of the bible hates free thinker and good witches.
Excellent story of love magic.
Seems like a positive depiction of modern paganism. A nice change of pace.
The three-powers thing has been done before, but this was a charming little movie, regardless.
I hate Olympia Dukakis
Great movie I love how she realizes that her power is for a greater purpose then hating it I wish I had that power to help this world because it’s dying from nobody caring about what there doing
Ehhhh while you’re at it, could you please repair the camaro, add a stage 3 racing cam and a power glide? ……just wondering.
The whole movie is a buildup to something beyond itself… it simply doesn't deliver what could have been. Not a bad movie, perhaps worth the watch. Tree huggers will probably enjoy the experience.
so this is one for the environmentalist, feminist non- traditionalist, atheist great film or someone definitely not me I'm a woman I believe in God and very empowered! take a pass on this one may be good for someone. and it's being passed off as spiritual! two great actors Olivia Dukakis Victoria Madison I guess you do anything for that paycheck in Hollywood that's for sure
Good movie to watch during this season….
And while I cannot completely dismiss that there may be some truth to the storyline, I am also not amazed by the attempt to normalize it.
It says there is a part 2 but one isn’t showing up it’s same movie! So Is there a part 2 or no
Oliver Klosoff
I just found Myself and My True Calling! Thank you for creating this movie and making my life a reality!!!!
bad ass movie. I love my witchy woman
Pagan worship, and what up hoe. The dress is a representation of the movie, TRASH!
This was a good movie. However what turned me off about the Spiritual religion they were supposedly practicing was anything but traditional. The adult women were teaching Witchcraft/Paganism as feminists. You can clearly see that the women in the ritual had special clothing, where the man was just wearing everyday clothes. This supports the notion that Women are more powerful than men. Historically and traditionally, men and women were equals. They had equal power and you needed both for many rituals. Feminism revived pagan spiritualism at the cost of revering historical practical ritual.
this movie was fantastic, the cast was great, and the story was fine…but rhea was a cringy slut. i liked her more before her powers back as a 'loser'.
Epic Movie!
Not watch.
I think this movie was based on a true story.
She needs to change that weird outfit
She's wearing. What nice blessing to
Mother nature.