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This kitten was living in freezing temperatures for over a week, luckily our persistence paid off and we managed to trap HER… Now it’s time to trap momma cat and get her spayed so no more kittens are born at this location!
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About Me: Cat Dad to celebricats Cole & Marmalade and former videographer at Big Cat Rescue in Tampa FL… follow me for daily clips, vlogs, cat rescue work, BIG cat videos and more!
“Back Bay Lounge” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Hey everyone, like I said, now that the 40+ hoarding cats are all placed and that big rescue is out of the way, me and Diane are determined to trap the mommas and get them fixed so there's no more kittens born at this location ever again! … Stay tuned, we now have a drop trap and can hopefully get these sneaky momma cats! 🙂
Я хочу замуж за мужчину, который любит кошек.
One way to get me to melt show me a grey kitten….. and that little one reminds me of my late cat that I found that was feral (wild) I spent so much time talking to him feeding him and making him comfortable with me until I managed to be able to pick him up and bring him home and I was so heart broken when my boy died it's been 8 years but I still miss him and seeing this little one it's just like seeing him all over again same coloured eyes and funny enough same fluff ball hairstyle ?
That was two years ago… what ever became of Princess? And did you ever capture mom cat?
What about the mama cat? that was there did you get her to?
It's good to line the trap with newspaper.
That kitten actually looked shell shocked omg.
Aaaaaaah. I just love cats. Unfortunately my vision is not too good especially (the floor). You are Wonderful to do this you need a medal. Thankyou so much for caring. From Marlene in Australia xxx
If you have this situation again where kitties live in the carpet rolls try putting the trap inside of a carpet roll. Also carpet would help keep kitty warm until help rearrives.
I’d like to know who in the hell would give this video a thumbs down!! really?? thank you all for helping and loving these poor precious little creatures♥️ you are truly wonderful Earth Angels ? God bless?♥️??
I fostered, now Im stuck with 22 cats. Haha, luv them to bits .
You should have 1M subscriber already?
Wow you really are the cat man
Thank you for all you do. You, your family, friends and all the other helpers.
Once we move out of this apartment complex that is very strict on the amount of pets, I want to start fostering. We thought we could secretly keep one extra guy until we find him a home but someone must have seen him at the window and we got reported to the office . So now we can't have any others.
Or you can clean that place in one day and find that kitten easily
I love these vids. What a great couple! The new kitten is beautiful and seems relieved already.
You moron leave wild animals alone you cause to much stress for mom cats. Stupid twat
Thank you guys
She's adorable, precious ???????
Yknow I've been watching too many videos when I made the exact "Hii baaby" sound she made at 6:39
This is so sad
Hay and good luck ??❤?❤?❤❤❤?
Hi Chris, that is one really beautiful kitten. Absolutely gorgeous. If I was near you, I would take that stunning kitten from you immediately.
It's great to see that the kitten will be in good hands. I'm in the UK ??
Hello Chris. I just recently start watching your videos. I noticed they got suggested, but I didn't wanna see them. Simply because it hurts to much inside me, when I see animals in pain and suffer. But I got myself together and started watching your videos lately, and even that it can be hard to see animals in such bad conditions, then I don't regret it. To see you in action and how much you have helped all these cats is so amazing. I have no words to really describe how big a human being you are! Your videos shows me, that even that this world has so much pain, suffering, hate and selfish people,, there still is pure goodhearted people out there, and you really are one of them! The love that you shows for cats touches me so deeply, and there should be more of you people out there. So from the bottom of my heart: Thank you for all your effort and TLC towards suffering animals – Heaven has a spot saved for you! Keep it up, Chris!
Should've caught the raccoon
Only cat haters would give this video a thumbs down.
Poor grey Kitten looked scared.
Thank you for All the great that you do ??????????????
Chris, you are truly pawsome!
You're a seriously good guy.
have you heard about Kitten Lady, Chris?
I love the look on his face at the end. Precious.
What about the mama cat? So glad you got the baby. You guys are AWESOME. THANKS FOR CARING GUYS. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU. GUYS.