Wild Animals That SAVED People's Lives!

Wild Animals That SAVED People's Lives!
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Check out these Wild Animals That SAVED People’s Lives! From giant whales that protect swimmers in the ocean from sharks to other animal heroes that rescued humans, this top 10 list of animals saving people will amaze you!

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  1. The most surprising for me was the sea lion because, I know they have killed people before I whould have said the lion was surprising, but I think the is fake.

  2. I remember the story of the little boy from Australia, falling into the gorilla habitat enclosure and how the mother gorilla watched over the boy. A wonderful story.

  3. I had a seizure as a result of my medication that I'm no longer taking. At the time i was by myself in the bottom part of our house when it happened our dog kept me from chocking on my saliva and got me onto my side and kept licking me to bring me out of it. Thanks to him I got my sister's help before I went into another seziure.

  4. Mother cows are extremely protective of their young, they will attack anyone or anything they feel is threatening their calves, I've seen it happen multiple times and luckily no one was injured but it was a close call each time. This is why farmers don't want people wandering around the fields when they are calving. Cows are curious by nature and will approach people to have a look, but they can and will defend themselves and their babies from stupid humans who get to close. Also if we're talking protective animals then I have to say my cat is one. I have two different types of arthritis, and a back injury that's caused by the arthritis, my cat, Tigger, is 18 years old and has taken care of me her entire life. If I'm unwell, which is pretty often, she stays right by my side, only dashing off to use the litter or grab some food before she returns to keep watch over me. She's my furry nurse and Angel and she has given me the reason to keep going when I've been seriously depressed and not wanting to keep going. I literally owe her my life, so now nothing is too much for me to give her in return.

  5. Yes i do i was raking leaves one day by the back of the house in my shock i find a venomous rattle snake about to bite me next thing i know my pitbull grabs the snake by the tail and starts swinging it taking a bite in the process to his leg

  6. I've never been saved by an animal but I've swam with sharks, even holding a lemon shark like a baby, I hand-feed raccoons, I've walked with bears and gone face to face with a Jaguar before. I've saved some animals, mostly small one's like crows, bats, cats, etc. but have never needed saving by one. I hope I can rely on animals if I ever need to though. There's an intrinsic spiritual link between every living thing on this planet and I wish we'd focus on that rather than specific religions.

  7. I recently subscribed after following your videos for over an year and I’m love your video and your enthusiasm…. Hats off to you! Keep it up ? love you work ?

  8. When I was in the Navy, we were doing man overboard drills. We had a dummy in the water and it just so happened a pod of dolphins in the area. We had to postpone the drill because the dolphins kept leading the rescue boat toward the dummy.

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