Top 5 Amazing Hybrid / Cross-Breed Animals! Subscribe to see more List / Fact videos: http://goo.gl/7GvKSK
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Music by Kevin Macleod (Incompotech.com)
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This Countdown Includes :
Number 5 – Leopon – Leopard + Lion
Number 4 – Cama – Camel + Llama
Number 3 – Grolar Bear (Pizzly Bear) – Grizzly Bear + Polar Bear
Number 2 – Liger – Lion + Tiger
Number 1 – Wholphin – Dolphin + Whale
Thank you for watching the Top 5 Amazing Hybrid / Cross-Breed Animals.
Ligers/Tigons are not a man made species they were found in the wild in Asia before the Asiatic Lion became an endangered species. Both Lions and Tigers have similar breeding habits and will breed with each other.
“people are playing the role of nature and god”
Don't disturb the nature
ligers and bears oh my
Who else could hear a fly at 3:04
What about a Male lion and a female leopard
I really want to breed animals now
Where is tigon
It is just Amazing
Wow, so cool!!
Lion: hold my cup :
3:20 Sabertooth.
The tiger lion would be the scariest one
Woman + Horse = Whore
What will we get if a cougar(puma) and a white tiger was cross bred?
If you bread a lot of these and bread more would it be in the world forever? Depending on some things?
People: lets take two animals that were never supposed to meet and make them fuck!
What if two hybrids mated???
Those liger have chains wtf are these rich people.. Just pay a visit a national park.. Not those who just want to take advantage
Just know that these animals were forced to have sex…
Please video no photo s
This good for Life more about them
Hybrids are awesome. We as humans, are hybrids believe it or not.
Handicapped animal?
I'm going to put camel jizz in a lama lol you no the person who did that is into some sick porn
Source? Real?
Это простой видио
I am a student of biology….
It's not possible yar
Shouldnt mess with mother nature!
Loepards do not like warter
Still waiting for hybrid 'bird-man' or 'bear-man'
0:45 that's gotta be a 'leon'
Lepord lion and tiger have an orgasm
It is known as playing with nature !!! But the result are excellent !!!
Our genes are being mulipulated by genetic modifying our foods.
Did you know that God destroyed the Nephilim and dinosaurs because they were not of his creation.Scientist discover their bones and name the creatures as they find them.
Since the days of Noah when Noah built the Ark to help save the animals?
The Fallen angels were mulipulating the animals and now they given Mankind the forbidden knowledge to rebel and mulipulate his creation of angelic beings.
I feel so bad for ligers because there stomach gets so big and die really young normally so sad ? stop breeding animals!!!!
OMG my spirit animal has a ship instead of two grizzly bears omg im shipped with a polar bear!!!!