brand new, unseen footage of 2019 KNOCKOUTS!!
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brand new, unseen footage of 2019 KNOCKOUTS!!
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Is no one talking about the stroller being pushed over at the start
@3:37 and 3:47. ??? Thank you for the wonderful view ???☝?
1:45 is this a comedy show lmao..
9:08 wtf?? Tr
Fucking feminist womans
This is BULLSHIT old as fuck lier!!!!!!!!!! I should be** your ass!!!!!
That video of the guy on the motorcycle was my dad ??that’s awesome
That gang jumping is only for pussy hoes
The teacher didn't even do anything??
Black folks need a lot of working to do to their community. But they wanna talk about police’s killing black innocent lives
1:41 it was all fun and games when they were jumping him
The cat was like damn bruh you seeing this
4:08 2:28 best fights imo
I fuckin fill dad for the old man
I jus dont understand ppl who jump ppl it dnt make no sense you aint no badass if you gotta do that
1:41 Respect✊?
Black people are so fucking bad at fighting. You'd think y'all would be better with all the shit you start. Guess all you can do is talk.
People who annoy you….
@3:37 WTF was that moving across the screen!?
Am subscribed?????
I post fight videos subscribe to me ??
Damn they got my boy Prattcity Savage?????♂️
18:19 my brothers vs my step dad?
1:43 this guy a beast frfr
3:37 real Godzilla caught on camera!?
0:40 damn imma need me a girl who’s this ride or die for me
wow…nobody mentions how bad they feel for her and that no one is helping her, and just watching form the side
Black who else
Like how nobody said shit about that black dude that was fighting cops and wasnt shot lmfao
2vs1 or 3vs1 fucking pussys
Most of these aren't knockouts.
Fuk America is bulshit cheap shot windmill ass fights come to New Zealand and will fuk yah up
3:31 when they mess up ur order
1:40 killed 2 birds with 1 stone…