Cute Tiny Chihuahua Puppies Video Compilation.
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10 Most Amazing Things about Chihuahua Dogs.
Amazing Things About Chihuahua Pug Mix.
Top 10 Benefits Of Having A Chihuahua.
Despite its meager size, the Chihuahua Puppies packs a strong personality and courage to befit a dog triple his weight.
The Chihuahua Puppies are intensely loyal, which makes him (if only in his mind) a splendid protector.
The Chihuahua fancies himself to be king of his castle and other pets, particularly cats, need not apply.
Chihuahuas need early socialization especially if other small creatures will be living within its domain.
This rule applies especially to children who may think this tiny dog has a temperament to match.
The Chihuahua Puppy has a reputation for being a saucy, sometime yippy pet. For this reason, the Chihuahua is better suited in homes without children.
Conversely, some Chihuahuas are markedly timid and tremble at the mere suggestion of another animal.
This trembling has also been linked to the fact that Chihuahuas are very susceptible to cold and to stress.
The savvy Chihuahua owner will note that this trembling can also be a useful begging device.
This trembling, when paired with a faint whimper, and limpid, sad eyes will render the owner powerless against surrendering the choicest bite of steak.
Mercifully, the Longhaired Chihuahua tends to have a somewhat more mellow temperament.
The temperament of your Chihuahua will depend on its parents, the breeder’s commitment to early socialization and your training.
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10 Most Amazing Things about Chihuahua ?? https://www.puppiesclub.com/chihuahua/
How could you not love these little puppy's, I don't know how.
I just want to hug all of these cuteis
They are the cutest and best dog
Awww cute x4
El 2 es crack ohhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh
Me encantan los perritos son tan amables y adorables , hermosos y millones de cosas tiernas AMO A LOS PERRITOS ??????????????????
l dont like dogs but l like those cute chihuahua
Love video..ty for sharing too… Cute little ones…
Just picked up a female apple head looks like the dog at 1:33. She is a sweetheart and has stolen my heart! Thanks for this video.
"i Love yuo"???
Sono cani inutili
They are so cute ❤️
I want to have an army of those little guys, then I can take over the world. Moohaha!
Como não gostar de umas coisinhas tão fofas assim
Me regalas una porfa
Los be den grasias
Ahi me trae un mi perrito
Los venden
Cung quá