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BRAIN TIME ► https://goo.gl/tTWgH2
No matter how advanced our technologies are, we still can’t fight nature. Especially when it makes a sudden powerful strike, making it clear who is the real master of this planet. Natural disasters take many lives and it is always a tragedy. In our video for today, we will show you the most terrible disasters in the new history of mankind.
Apparently, the planet is trying to get rid of people by simply shaking them off. Do not believe us? Well, see for yourself.
5 adds in an 11 minute video?♂️
40%is my foot in india all summer gets 45%,50%
Mother nature mad at earth: destroyed the earth
Asteroid coming to earth:oh sht mother nature thats mine
What movie that I saw first? The one who had tornado.
Every year Lakhs of farmers dying in India.
When he says temperature in Europe touched 40°C and here I am in India sitting chillingly in 48°C.
Humans: Birth Control should be the Solution.
Mother Nature: Okay Say no more!!
Km? Dont make me whip out my unit converter…smh ?
People are nothing when mother nature shows its fury
No body can fights with the mother nature………..!!!
0:00 Hellow everyone.
0:04 Goodbye everyone.
Idk what happen to europe..here in phillipines 37° is normal ,raise it to 40° its still nothing.-.
When God*
Mother nature, protect her, save her, respect her, love her
That Thumbnail tho
You never forgot the tornado that happened in Nebraska which was 1 mile long
Who came here 'cause of the thumbnail???
Super duper scary
40°C is a basic temperature in asia
During summer in india heat temperature is always above 45C
here in india. the temperature goes upto 44°C_ 49°C. … where as the Europeans cant bear 37°C.. here normal temperature starts from 30°C itself.
no one can say I am perfect in this earth because earth itself is not perfect..
Question is why are there vids about these disasters
Instead of running away they video the tragedy.
If you are looking for the thumbnail
…it did not appear in this video.
43 degree butin the philippines reach 50degree
Why show the clip of tsunami at japan when you mean that the Indian ocean
Here in the Philippines 40 degree Celsius is just like eating breakfast
Where is the Super Typhoon Haian?