The ghost must be attached to the ouija board! It tried to kill me!
This real ghost video shows proof that ouija boards and ghost are real.
The ghost must be attached to the ouija board! It tried to kill me!
This real ghost video shows proof that ouija boards and ghost are real.
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You think I need a fucking board to talk to you?!?
YEAH RIGHT bullshit
There is a voice at 2:35
that is scary but god love you
Ok so you can get out of the house
And no part 3.
I feel sorry for you are you gonna leave Gn oh go then your leavening now to soon ????????????
Bro that painting of a skyline in your room is exactly what hangs over my bed screw this
This happened to me last night: I put on some lipstick on my neck to grab everyone's attention
Dood i fill you when i go sleep i see ghost but i said i will be brave an i sing fight song and i will beat it up dood
Be safe Tyson
Tyson your best bet is to apologise cuz u insulted a demon like a dumb ass and ask how to apese it
Kill your self fatty
Look at his face there a ghost at 1:32
87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87
He truly was possessed the animals or chickens I guess would’ve moved as far away from him as possible.
Fuck the Ouija fuck all the ghost that do bad stuff fuck them
If this is real, then it should prove to you that the spirit world exists. If that's the case then GOD and JESUS exists too.
The cringe was over 9000
Why do they sell quiji boards in toys r us because I see people getting them from walmart
I know this is a skit but if you use a quiji board by yourself the ghost will posses you if you do it with a friend it wont
Something happened like this to my friend…… get out of that house
Wtf!!! This is creepy af!!!! I hope everyone is ok ????this so not ok
I'm not normally with Tyson but Tyson, I watch paranormal stuff. I don't get scared by it that much. I don't care if people say it's fake because Tyson was literally possessed the last two vids. Poor Tyson. Burn the bored and get some professional to check out your house. It's gotten to far. Hope your ok
87 years it has probaly been trapped.Set it on fire and put ashes in ocean
Ghousts and souls follow you everywhere. No matter where u go.
I kinda think he's faking and using a soundboard for a voice and when they got out the house on my b day
Burn the shit
Does burt have a ghost?
Yes this is all skits…. I saw no ghost in this video and I looked on video screen and saw nothing and the handmarks is just makeup!!!
Did you even say goodbye jk all these vids are skits
If you see a demon like this this costs a lots of fire only dimons with great dark powers can pay the price to defeat the ghost of fear.. That is Karma buddy.. the enjonment of pain!!!
Hey listen to me! What you need to do is put only 2 fingers with another person but make sure to put a silver coin on the ouija so the spirit won't take over
It will followed
burn it now it will kill you
I love these skits!!!!! More please
What has happened to this channel? I mean, I like this ghost videos since it's something new. But I miss the old BAHMLounge. I miss the old skits and pranks. Please go back to your roots guys.
Tyson bern it please I want you to be safe.
Sun of a shit!! I died