We’re on the ground in Pennsylvania rescuing more than 200 animals who are scared and suffering. Animals, mostly cats, were found in filthy, stacked cages—many with no apparent access to food or water and in need of immediate medical attention.
Please support these lifesaving efforts by donating to our Emergency Animal Rescue Fund. Your gift today will ensure that our team can continue to answer the call during times of emergency wherever, whenever and however animals need us.
I see this and I just want to literally reach out and connect in a very real way with the responsible human, but also just want to hug those animals. What happens to the "humans" that these animals are rescued from?
i cant even imagine the smell
I feel so sad for all of the cats and animals but when one cat reached its paw out and try to get the person that broke my heart
Humane society lots of love and blessings to you. Keep helping all the lovely angels. Lots of love from people and animal lovers of India.??
Thank you very much for rescue these innocent animals! ???❤❤❤❤?????????
66, 5yyuuuyy
That’s so sad ?
Thank you all for saving these beautiful animals. I pray all got well & have loving furrever homes.
Such beautiful innocent babies…i just don't understand why ??? Why do you have to hoard innocent lil animals ??? What do you possibly gain from it ??? They DO NOT deserve to be treated like that at all…
I cried watching this…then I hugged my three cats and dog extra hard xo
Thank you very much for help animals. Thank you heroes. Thank you.
Thank you !! God bless you ???
Von Herzen tausend Dank für die Rettung ????????????????
Poor babies!! Thank You for rescuing them!!!
Ummm penalizar la tortura a los animales. Se necesitan gobernantes con sentido humanista.
Whats wrong with this People? All this suffering animals for money? This is worse ?
LOOKIT THE GINGER KITTY. HES SO GORGEOUS!!!! He literally only wants love and cuddles!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Horrific abuse, cruelty, and neglect. Hard to even watch.
Just want to say Thank you Thank you Thank you so much ❤?
It is heartbreaking to see those animals suffering like this .Thank you for saving and helping those innocent living souls .You are doing amazing work .
I wish to be there in the rescue ???
Thank you for doing this.
Povere creature..implorano proprio per essere tolte da quelle gabbie..
Povere creature innocenti!! Mi consola solo una cosa..che lì da voi in America questi criminali vanno in galera..non come da noi qui in Italia..dove quel minimo di leggi sugli animali non vengono neanche applicate..e quindi i crimini sugli animali ci sono tutti i momenti..Grazie di esistere !!!
God bless all of you at the Humanse Society, if not for you the world would not see the important work you all do. Thank you