Official “Dumbest Fails On The Internet #77 | STUPID POSTS AGAIN” video by Alonzo Lerone.
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Welcome to the official YouTube channel of comedian/entertainer Alonzo Lerone. Looking for comedy, or just a good laugh? You’re in luck! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of fail compilations showcasing the internet’s funniest and dumbest fails curated by Alonzo Lerone from Twitter, Facebook, advertisements, and much more.
Also let me just say thank you for stopping with the clickbait bullshit. I mean I doubt that you read my comments but a few videos back I feel like you are click-baiting and said I was unsubscribing.I'm happy that I decided to wait before hitting the unsubscribe button and I'm happy that you want back to good content not clickbait bullshit. Anyone can make clickbait bulshit but it takes talent to produce entertaining content.
And yes, that is the correct spelling of both Bismarck and Ironton. ?
I don't like it when people say period. PERIOD.
Can somebody please tell me what Dwayne meant? I still don’t understand 5:05
Even though the post ain’t funny sometimes, I still laugh because he does ??
Dwayne was tryna say Aisle??
Alonzo: that word is getting overused and redundant
Me immediately after he says that: YEEESSS PERIOD
lmaoo nah i ran away for the wheelchair getting taken away too ??
8:30 to 9:35 had me in tears omg ???
I can't even…
Guy who got his wheelchair repossessed is the same guy who miraculously walked to turn off the music! ?
man I'm a spelling nut drives me crazy when people use improper English or misspell simple words LOL couldn't stop laughing
I think she meant cockatoo when she was talking about the bird ????
2:09 most likely an empty propane tank if they switch to electric. Also I'm not very far from Bismarck or Ironton LMAO
imagine going around the class telling everyone you wanted to be a firetruck.
Slowly waits to see if Alonzo realized he said fire truck
I think they called it a Potato Holder because if they call it a “Potato Cannon” or “Spud Gun” it would get flagged as a weapon. Did nobody else want to comment on this one? Most of the other comments I see say “Fire Truck.” After reading more comments, I’m not the only person to note the majority of “Fire Truck” posts. I found only one other potato comment.
I don’t get the “owl” joke if someone could help 4:55
Its spelled chauffeur so BOOM!
Kids wanted to be firetrucks when they grew up? ?
Chauffeur ?
I would join, but I have health issues and all our money goes to that. ?
12:55 i dont know which one is more stupider…you…. alonzo….. stupider?……
Jk jk dont kill me
She was talking about a cockatiel
Laughed so hard at the one about being paralyzed that I had to pause the video and let myself chill out before continuing lmao
Hey Alfonzo I think you may need to get a dictionary to help with your "done" "did" issue lol
“I’m a man of God” AHAHAAHHAAHH
Alonzo new video idea Facebook post verses Twitter post #MostLaughs
Chauffeur boom spelled it
Resive — receipt
I love your channel
I had to stop the video to drink because I was laughing so hard I couldn’t
I sent ur page a message on fb idk if its u or a fake account but I sent u the screen shots. … If its real I'm so sorry … I'm just weird … I haven't heard u mention anything about the content in the screen shots so I just wanted to let u kno what was going on
“ I remember those days when the teacher went around and everybody wanted to be a fire truck “ I sure as heck wanted to be a fire truck when I was younger don’t know bout y’all
2:51 to answer that question they do cheat if they love the girl they just do it bc they think they can do it..
BTW love your videos