In Fails of the Weak #220, Geoff and Jack bring you fails in Assassin’s Creed: Unity, Far Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto V, Halo: MCC, and Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 220 | Rooster Teeth
It's a wirlpool. LMAO it's a freaking wirlpool.
Almost thought the guy in the last fail went St. Peter on us there, falling into the water
There seems to be a disturbing amount of bugs in Assasin's Creed Unity.
That motorbike one in GTA 5 was the best ever
1:39 Shoryuken!!
0:37 You can be a girl in Shadow of mordor?
The walking on sunshine fail in unity has happened to me too, but in the end, he just died for no reason and fell through the world.
Assasins creed unity is a great game but it is broken.
Its a shame I used to watch fails of the weak just for halo fails now its every game i missed those good old days
I like that Jack quoted monster squad.
2:04 BLARRGGG!!!!
The GTA one was amazing XD
1:50 The medic walks back up like its nothing
The Halo 2A one was obviously fake. Just looped the video of the elite crouching.
The thing I find funny, is after the medic got hit with the bike at full force, he gets up and runs away like its nothing
The comment on that SoM glitch should be : " not a single fuck was given that day"
May that medic rest in peace.
Nice collection this week. 🙂
Best of gta v fails?
has anyone noticed that they used the wrong "week" in the title?
"There's bugs in Assassin's Creed Unity?"
Action 52 is more reliable than ACU.
Is it sad that I remembered Katrina and the Waves?
TLDR: I want to fail. I want to be featured.
Is it messed up that I want to be made fun of in one of these videos? Is it bad that I WANT a fail to happen just so I can submit? The only problem is, I don't have a capture card, and I use xbone, The Master Chief Collection, for Halo.
Actually, I also have an xbox 360 and own EVERY halo game for that… maybe I can fail? Idk… (I wouldn't do it on purpose, but I have noticed a TON of times I've almost failed ever since I started watching this bit)
TLDR: I want to fail. I want to be featured.
I just come here for the Halo fails.
Omfg i laughed so hard on gta 5 fail lol!!!
Oh no… the return of the annoying Christmas intro from last year…
It may not seem that bad now, but just wait until you've watched it 20 times ._.
I've been on the other side of that last glitch; Player One gets in a vehicle that Player Two never even sees. It's pretty funny from Player Two's perspective especially, in particular if you ram into them or crash into breakable materials, because it appears you're just jumping around smashing things in a derpy still-pose.
I was playing unity once I was on the hardest mission in the game and for some freaking reason I could not move it was at the very end of it I was so mad I wanted to kill that game and I had to restart it later I cried
brb gtg do the shadow of mordor glitch
I Just now realized that they have been mispelling week this entire time.
I want to upload a video. I've been to AHuploads but it says you need to link a file from Halo Waypoint?
Is there a better way to do this?
"Wait, this game has bugs?" Geoff, you are my hero.
am i the only one that thinks the halo 2 anniversary on legendary is much more difficult than the original? I used to kill some of the enemies at most points in the original but now i find myself running past everything and avoiding all contact
Should be called "glitches of the week" IMO
we need a medic for the medic
What happend to rage quit
Was the video the fail of the week? I just seen glitches and bad AI's..
Half of the fails are glitches in a ubisoft game. Big suprise.
Can RT fails of the week be separate from glitches of the week? Half of these are glitches instead of a player failing in a noobish way. Im not the only one who wants this right?
how are these fails these are glitches
Christmas jingle is back!!
"Check the RT store for for weekly sales on all of your favorite stuff"
Someone should get fired for not seeing that…
Rage quit: I am bread.
upload it.
Oh, I meant now.
That cash was brutal!!
It is supposed to be spelled week…