Eagle Prime is on eBay ► https://ebay.to/323G83e
Our fans wanted live giant robot fights, so we’re giving them live giant robot fights! We made our 6-ton
Iron Glory robot remote-controlled, gave it a melee combat weapon, and matched it up against our 12-ton Eagle prime robot outfitted with a giant 500-pound knife! This is MegaBots LIVE!, the first of a series of live events where we test the rules, regulations, and technologies needed to create a sports league of giant fighting robots.
Join us as we figure out what it takes to bring the robots of science fiction into arenas and stadiums around the world!
This is a cutdown of our full stream, which you can find here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/187972218
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#megabots #technology #robotics
So slow
These designs are seriously defective.
It's as though these people aren't here 'cuz they love robot fights.
are they mating really slowly or fighting???
Nonsense ?♂️?♂️
lol, I think we are a ways off from giant robot battles
Foam armor? Seriously? Ah man, I want to be so positive about this! Just the coolest thing. But, you know. Foam… makes me feel like the whole thing is just a pretend fight.
Very cool idea! But honestly they barely moved. And I feel like the bad camera angle was on purpose. So much work to set this up! Then, bad camera work? I doubt it.
There was a lot of effort made in making those robots. But it's still a lame fight.
This is pathetic, and very underwhelming.
If you call this a robot you have issues.
could you imagine if the Transformers movie was like this….
This is just the beggining, it'll be like car racing.
At first it's dull, slow and boring to watch but as technology improves so will the spectacle and I give it 20 years before we have a decent mech fight. But it's important to support it while in it's early stages.
THEY MOVE WAY TO SLOW!!! get a fucking bulldozer and smash these snails.
Orian primal
How about ryguy
Foam as armor? Lol.
Well that was scripted and lame.
More more!I you this!!!!!!!!
Well that was shit.
the yellow one's made of polystyrene . how is it supposed to win
Wow good amazing boy
this is just billion dollar technology gently tapping each other with long pauses in between
Watching this was just sad what the fuck is this pretending to be
Robot: *crashes through tires *
Everyone: R U N
Even the giant robot fights in ROBOT JOX were less awkward than this :/
9:56thank me later
even Steven Hawking had a bigger range of movements.
Wow, that was shit…
tHESe RoBOts ArE JuST gOIng aT iT!!
Lol no they aren’t.
Do a series of how to make one plz
They are never going to be able to do much if there's people inside.
Iron glory is made out of Styrofoam
Mnnmn Man them by name well bot or,v,mvvmvvmmf
Kfj8’, 4 c,
Mobile workers