This video was inspired by Pharrell Williams “Happy” to show how happy animals of different species can live together peacefully at Elephant Nature Park.
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Get Pharrell’s new album G I R L with 10 Brand New Tracks
I enjoyed watching this video. Thanks, song is very nice
Nobel Peace Prize for this woman. A beautiful soul that respects all life.
I ❤️❤️❤️❤️????Soooooooo much.. God bless these beautiful innocent animals.. ???
We need more happy elephant videos!!!??????
Lek has created a beautiful space for all God’s creatures. What an amazing woman!
You guys, all including the animals are a big family. ?
would have been a lot better without the video tricks! Cheapened it like a mocked up music video. Too bad
Love this video with the music! I’m ???????????????
Some animals can coexist. Carnivores need to kill, thouh.
HaHaHa… That was NICE 🙂 Happy Cats, Dogs & Elephants enjoying Life
Whoop whoop!
This place is a true paradise for animals, great and small.
The fact is that if you recognize your creation parents you will explode your natural talents……..Thank you for the video. Living creatures deserve their rightfull place.
If there was an angel, this woman is. Absolutely beautiful elephants when they are being elephants.
So lovely seeing the elephants playing and all the other animals so happy ?❤❤❤
Cats are stupid.
This video makes my soul so happy……im about to explode with love.?
For some reason all the cows up to their necks in mud just staring at the camera made me LOL so hard.
I Love this video, but I really Love Elephants.
Hands down my favorite of all your videos! Love your work and keep doing you…??
Pure innocence,,, no mixture…
Hope animals all over the world will enjoy this type of freedom, love happiness and enjoyment Lord bless them
this made me smile.. i just lost my mom and have been having a hard time coping with the loss
wow…..its made me happyyy ????
thanks to the people who take care of them & let them be free
This place is like a paradise, I went there many times and will go again…there is so much love and compassion from Lek the founder of ENP and the team who work for all these beautiful creatures…LOVE IT…
Love the video…. love Lek… love the sanctuary and all who work there, to teach us to understand and love animals. This is the future for the world. To care for all in rich abundance and enough love for all.
can we see more of the other animals at the Park? I didnt know it was so diverse.
"all living creatures can live happy together"…yeah, because predator-prey relationships don't exist.
mantap banget gayanya
This video made me feel at peace, my heart is warmed.
this make cry ❤❤❤ animals are so innocent
Elephant Nature Park is one of the best. It'd never be possible without Lek Chailert and Darrick Thomson and everyone there. Lek is truly the 'Elephant Whisperer'! Blessings to everyone there for your commitment to these beautiful elephants and animals!
Just awesome!!!
Warota ☺
This is lovely