When i started to hear strange noises an set up cameras round my house to see what it was this is fotage from some of the paranoromal activity i captured.
When i started to hear strange noises an set up cameras round my house to see what it was this is fotage from some of the paranoromal activity i captured.
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This is not paranormal, This is abnormal
fuck you and your ghost
what is this stupidity I saw nothing
funny 😀
Haha funny
Lmfao…your slow
1:24 there ya go 🙂 Have a nice day.
i know
It's actually as sarong
You do realize it is meant to be fake? lolz
ZZZzzzzz….*huh* what?
theres a small reflection of a ghost in the window in the background of the trees in the lower part of the screen at 0:28 look carefully
There will be more soon ,i certainly hope not lol.
lol how could this video get 25 likes?
you make me wanna sleep…
fake you moron idot douchbag
i think who made this is an idiot and not funny in the slightest
dumb!!! fakers!!!