10 Amazing People With Real Super Powers
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10 people with real super powers
We all like the movies where we find out some character suddenly has some superpower, or some major event or accident bestowed on the person some inhuman strength or ability.
But those people exist only in the movies right? It might be hard to believe, but there are actually people who do have some superhuman powers and can do incredible things. Join us as we take a look at 10 incredible people with real super powers.
1. Gino Martino – Is a professional wrestler who is also known as the man with the world’s strongest skull. He has performed many stunts including breaking metal bars over his head, and having many concrete blocks smashed on his head using sledgehammers, jackhammer, bowling balls, and even hammered a nail through a piece of wood covered in sheet metal to prove how hard his skull is.
2. Master Zhou Ting Jue –is famous all over the world for his amazing ability to generate heat through the palms of his hands. The heat he generates is close to the boiling point. He has been tested many times and each time is able to produce the same results.
3. Natasha Demkina – is a woman from Russia that had the incredible power of being able to change her vision to see inside a person’s body, sort of like a walking X-ray machine. She has been able to look at a person and tell them what is wrong with their body, including disruptions in circulation, tumors, or other diseases that a person may have.
4. Louis Cyr (pronounced “seer”) – is argued by some to be possibly the strongest man that ever lived to date. He was a French Canadian that is still known for his incredible feats that gave him fame as ‘The world’s strongest man’. He was sort of like a real life Hulk and was said to have lifted 500 lbs. with only three fingers, and back lifting 4,337 lbs.
5. Nong Youhui – This is the story of a young Chinese boy that people say he could see in the dark and was born with bright blue eyes. The story first appeared in 2012, and since then many people have tried to debunk this claim and prove it false, which no one to date has.
6. Bajau Fisherman Sulbin – This man is a real life Aquaman and is famously known for being able to dive more than 65 feet to the sea floor, walk on the seabed, and hunt with a spear gun for up to five minutes without any type of scuba gear or breathing apparatus on just one breath.
7. Kevin Richardson – Richardson has the ability to understand animals and is a South African animal behaviorist and has been nicknamed The Lion Whisperer. Richardson has worked with big cats and relies on intuition rather than static rules.
8. Raj Mohan Nair – Also known as Current Mohan, this man from India seems as though he is impervious to electricity, and many have tried to disprove him and haven’t been able to. He can power up a light bulb or an electric blender by grabbing two live wires which allows the electrical current to pass through his body. Raj lost his mother when he was seven years old.
9. Dean Karnazes – (pronounced car-NAH-sis) On October 12-15, 2005, Karnazes ran 350 miles across Northern California without stopping. He didn’t stop to sleep or to eat. He changed shoes and socks with the help of his family following him in an RV.
10. Michel Lotito – Was also known as Mr. Eat Everything. Michel Lotito was a man that could eat anything, except for bananas and hard-boiled eggs, which he claimed he had a hard time digesting. While that might seem slightly normal, what he has eaten will leave you in disbelief. He was able to eat an entire Cessna 150 which took him two years to eat.
Let us know what you think in the comments. And don’t forget to like, share and subscribe so you won’t miss any new videos.
The guy who can dive more than 65ft. and stay underwater for almost 5minutes without underwater gear is a Filipino.
This is MAGICAL!!!
The guy who can consume anything:
“Ima go poop out the metal I ate for breakfast “
I wish I couldn't be electrocuted…
Becase then I could be in dbd and destroy that doc
I’m a kid and I have nothin?
Humans may be capable of even more undiscovered abilities.
I have powers that I know wants going to happen is the future
this humans are unbelievable thanks for sharing
Aww man you grossed me out with the skulling,,,,, later
I have a abooty I can howl bark speak like a sheep cow cat dog wolf fox chicken duck and bird I promise ???
I like the animal one.. I’m so happy ❤️❤️❤️
My superpower is gaining weight
That girl is kryptonian
Indian best
My superpower is having a high pain tolerance
Me I have a Ability to make mom mad at me for 24 hours.
I have a power my power is my iye chande to dark red this is real very real.
If i ha had all in once
4:33 “I just felt like running”
For my OG’s out there
The man that ran far with out stoping he must have trained a lot
I have a super power i know how to say to say
x vison not work like that kal el have better realy se think truh and i have super hearing from killomaters so far and i se into darkness in borin this way but usless i need spuer speed and lyzer and super strean meens graping bus i can stop
thats from my surgery the super powers
I have a super power its not being hurt by a lighting strike and i can turn off computers with my hands and i have electricity
Probably some of u guys have powers u don't know u have
I was famous in the Philippines.. Because i have the ability to guess the peoples minds and making them true……. If you dont believe that's ok
My super power I have is super strength
My super power is super hearing and sight not joking
Everything is awesome in your video but are you sure everything is true?
who want some hug here????
We all have the power of healing without that we wound all have open wounds
Title: 10 people will real superpowers
Thumbnail: Death
I can see in the dark if I'm relaxed enough.
I can light a cigarette with my finger and a lighter!
That girl with the X Ray vision is a Kryptonian
Supernatural Condition
I have one super power to fart??☠️??????
That's amazing
About Michel Lotito: Bananas and hard-boiled eggs are harder for the liver. His strength is in his stomach.