Ghost Caught In My Living Room

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I caught the ghost moving my plant in the living room.

Part of my regular filming of my house I caught this little bit of paranormal evidence. The ghost moves my plant. With no evidence of a draft I must conclude this to be paranormal activity. Like all bits of activity I have tried hard to debunk this before posting and little other than a gust of air or somebody touching the plant would cause it to move this way.

Real Paranormal Activity Caught on Video

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My Channel
I have been haunted since late 2010. My channel is a dedicated paranormal video diary dedicated to the unusual supernatural events that have occurred to me since that time. Paranormal Activity has become almost an everyday occurrence for me since this began and with it my interest in ghosts, demons and poltergeist activity had grown. I have investigated in ghost hunted equipment to help my investigations leading to some extremely profound paranormal footage.


Why don’t you just move?
I have…three times and it follows I’m afraid.

Have you or any of your family ever done a Quija Boards?
I am scared of them and to my knowledge nobody in my family feel any better about them.

Does it ever happen around others close to you?
Very rarely. It mostly happens when I’m alone or at night.

Stop Filming!
I have tried this on 2 separate occasions for a year at a time and the activity did not change. Simply had quiet spells.

Why is your house so clean?
My fiance is a major clean freak.

You need a hobby…
Not really a question but as it happens youtube is my hobby. I work for a warehousing and distribution company so paranormal investigating is a change of pace even if it is my own home.


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About the Author: MichaelDMagee


  1. hi Michael I'm from Newfoundland and Labrador Canada and I follow you but I'm kind of wondering do you have anything old that you have kept with you or you found somewhere because it seems to me you have some sort of entity attached to you and you made me taking it please to place something that you may have purchased or was given to you I've had my own experiences and I truly believe that you are being haunted so try to think of anything you may have that's old or have you ever played with a Ouija board?

  2. The window IS OPEN! You can see that there's something outside the window is moving around, ……..I don't know if it is trees, or bushes being blown around from the wind or what……

  3. You've just turned the exposure up high on the window bit then feathered out the edges and then stood outside moving around….. sp00ky, all you videos are so clearly fake, the orbs in most of them look like cgi also, i am viewing your videos on a 4k monitor so i can clearly see this, also i'm trained in video effects, you are a fake.

  4. It does look to be open a wee bit but I also thought I heard a voice, deep in tone not like the obvious sounds. Listen when you do the close up to prove window is not open. Just my opinion

  5. Don't see how you can live in a house that active. What we have just walks around late at night and is 'rarely' seen. It was caught on an old Polaroid picture once, then I saw it another time. Once I had my Camera on and caught orb movements (only once) but that's it. Then at night our dogs will start barking sometimes staring at air.

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