– Rescue Abandoned Dog Lose Hope Will Make Warm Your Heart
– Subscribe Here: https://bitly.vn/6nkj
– My sweet baby is name Potchie, my teddy bear, my Winnie the Pooh….a sweet cuddle bear of a rescue.
He had several health issues including eyes blinded by “Cherry eyes”, healed fractures in his pelvis and legs, severe infection, sarcoptic and demodectic mange, and skin allergies. He was severely anemic and with an alarmingly high infection.
Despite all these he never lost his will to live and to love, to be sweet and trusting. He had surgery for his eyes. He was treated for his infection. Now he only needs to undergo therapy and maybe acupuncture for his semi paralyzed right leg.
Wish Potchie the best, as he deserves the bes
– Information Credit for all Rescuer & Donation please support them to Rescue more puppy if possible. You can contact them as below: https://www.facebook.com/carina.n.suarez
If there are any Copyright Issues with any videos posted here i will Remove them. Please contact my Email : abbyalvin2017@gmail.com
All images belong to its respectful owner, No copyright infringement is intended
1-Dog Ticks, Removed Many Ticks From Mom Dog By Shelter Team | No 3:https://youtu.be/m-X7HT4XnIE
2-Rescue Abandoned Dog Lose Hope Will Make Warm Your Heart
Lastima me da el perrito pero no entiendo ni madres ….
Rescate de un perro? O a lo que ha quedado de el! Dios Mio son solo sus despojos! Como pudo sobrevivir a tanta crueldad!
È bellissimo! Grazie.
Respeito + ++++++
I hate life sometimes, knowing we live in a World of cruelty and suffering. I'm so glad there are some decent people out there. Well done! Fantastic job on saving this poor Dog.
This lady definitely makes the world a better place….God you lady….
God bless you
Trabalho incrível lindo
Nunca abandonar
Ficou lindo
Don't tie her.nice fee6when its free.
Thank you for saving the life of defenseless and destitute !!!♥️?✌️
I'm supprised he made it by the condition he first came in, did you give Pochie a nose and ear transplant..they don't look the same at the end of video he has a pink nose but started with a brown one and his ears were floppy at begining but at end bone straight?
Good Luck
Every one of you are blessed for taking on this extremely painful and necessary problem because people are evil and as long as they are evil they will do feel but remember the light always covers the darkness no matter what you are doing God's work and I bless you for that and I am nobody on just some girl from New Jersey in the United States and you're doing things I wish I could do to help
I fucken hate people I hate the result much I hate them all for doing these type of things why wild some innocent creature I mean I could understand a rapist or a woman beater or something like that hell do work together people get away with leaving their animals like this why do judges not follow where this residents household and move to to make them at least the responsible to pay for the care
Gracias por ayudar a ese perrito que Dios los bendigaaa????????
God Bless this girl and Pochie
if we were all better at heart and not so much rage in our souls, it would be a better world
Thank you for your constance in helping that beautiful chow-chow you gave him the stregth he needed yo survive!❤❤
Que amor ? lindo parabéns
alguém do brasil
Beautiful Dog.
Why is his tongue black?
Great aftermath