Top 10 near death experiences caught on camera.
From a man almost being hit by a car and a bus caught on camera, to a train spotter almost being hit by a train caught on camera, we countdown 10 near death experiences caught on camera. In 2010, a man was walking down a busy street in Russia. Suddenly the man’s walk is interrupted by an incoming vehicle that has veered off the road and onto the pavement heading straight for him. The man’s quick reactions save his life, and he is able to casually walk away from the incident without a mark on him. In 2011, during an army training exercise, the members of the exercise were showing off the marksmanship skills. However, during the exercise, one solider accidentally fired a bullet into the back of the solider standing in front of him. The solider in front’s hat flies off his head, but luckily he was not injured in any way. If the bullet had been inches closer, it could have resulted in a nasty friendly fire. In an off road car show in 2012, one stunt goes wrong as a large car knocks one man off of the ramp. The car then progresses, knocking a cameraman off his post and running him over. Despite the massive truck’s size, the two men escaped, unscathed by the truck. In 2012, a Russian man was casually filling up his car with gas, when a bus, mounted with a dash cam struck a truck entering the gas station. The man filling up had no time to react and was incredibly fortunate as the bus stopped just inches from him. No one was injured in any way, and the truck driver was blamed for not giving way to the bus. In 2012, a girl was on a steam train going incredibly fast with her friends. She then decided to stick her head out of the train’s window to take a potentially lethal photo. As she sticks her head out of the train for her friend to take the picture, another train speeds past the opposite way. In April of 2012, a woman was walking in her town in Russia, when suddenly a tree fell down. The tree was inches from the woman in red, as she barely had time to react to the incredibly tall tree coming right for her. In 2009, a pedestrian was normally crossing the road, as the black car waited for him. However, seconds into his crossing, a bus which brakes had stopped working collided directly into the back of the car. This caused both the car and bus to fly forward, missing the man by inches. In 2013, a group of three pedestrians were crossing a road. When suddenly a car turned round the left corner, only to be smashed into by a speeding car going straight into it. The car that was struck then spun right into the side of the group of the three people. Luckily the car stopped inches before hitting all of the pedestrians, leaving all of the pedestrians unharmed. In 2010, a train spotter was taking photos of a steam train. However, he failed to notice the train approaching behind him at a very high speed. The train speeds past the man. The train was so near that it actually touched his jacket. 1 centimetres difference could have cost the man his life. In September of 2012, two trucks collided with each other. The collision totally destroyed the front of the blue truck and caused damage to the red truck as well. The driver of the blue van wasn’t wearing his seatbelt, but luckily managed to grab a piece of cloth and gradually lower himself from the truck. The viral video has been nicknamed ‘leaving a truck like a boss’.
Man Almost Hit By A Car
Solider Almost Shoots Soilder In The Head
Off Road Vehicle Drives Over Man
Man Almost Hit By Car At Gas Station
Girl Nearly Decapitated By Train
Falling Tree Almost Flattens Woman
Man Almost Hit By Car And Bus
Train Spotter Almost Hit By Train
Luckiest Car Crash Ever
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Intro: Mirage
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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My 2 near death experiences
One when i was like 5 or 6 my grandpa was building a tree house i was climbing the tree i stepped a tiny branch and i felt to my death but thank the starts i fell on a bush that was spiky but i was very much alive
Second time was when i was 9 or 10 there were 2 big cube shaped drawers stacked on top of each other i had clamb on top of it and i opened the drawer and i got on it like i was in a balcony and it fell dow and but some how the giant thing disnt fucking kill me i was alive and could see another day i was unharmed the thing fell on top of a large hard paper role thing i was under it i did not get crushed
kids were jumping in 40 feet down pool then i jumped in i could not breathe and i was very deep down but i managed to get myself to the top of the water wich scared me luckly i khew how to swim and float i almost DIED
how i almost died
watch this….
and subscribe
These are crazy and scary happens daily.
Yea but for real guys death isn't a game
3:01 my boy was gone
so basically being a russian is already a near death experience
In 2018 I drink 1 water battle and I ate 1 banana then I went to the shower the water was nice and hot but when I get out of the shower a lot of colors was in my vishen so I called my mom loudly and I got rushed to the hospital gust in time
Somewhere in 2014 I was in second grade and I'm walking to school with my mom (cause my school is like 2 minutes away by foot).usually I had to cross halfway in the street when a speeding van hit me but luckily he pressed the brakes at the last second as I was on the ground INCHES away from the wheels.then í got up as my mom yelled at me (because it is my fault since i didn't look on my left before I crossed the street).after 7 hours of school,me and my mom walked back home.as I was on my way,a car from a garage to my left went out and it almost hit me and so I literally screamed.
2 close calls in the same day is hilarious but you know it happened ????
i was shooting fireworks off my dock and the firework goes up, then down and through the water and it came right back at me and was coming for my head but i ducked at the last moment and didnt die
My balls almost got hit by a baseball… It hit my hand
this isn't a death experience(although cars have nearly hit me when I was walking to and from school stupid people clearly not paying attention like I'm over 5 foot clearly you can see me in your itty bitty car anyway) I was at the adventure dome and they have a ride(I forgot what it was called) it shoots you in the air at an increasing speed a lot of amusement parks have them but you have the little seat belts or so anyways I have glasses and I NEED my glasses to see otherwise I get a major headache and everything is blurry well i had my glasses on when I went on the ride..when I was getting shot into the air they fell off…right into my lap thankfully..my mother was right next to me thankfully and I handed to her and she put them in her hoodie pocket and it kept them safe… I was so thankful my glasses didn't fall off worse than that…it was a bit scary for me…glasses are expensive so and my family barely has enough money sometimes to even get them there's 4 of us and all our glasses cost around 100 bucks each pair..(however my mum wears contacts but still also I say some British words but I live in America so oof) but yeah that was my story also this is edited because I missed some of the things I meant to put in here..
I am the lego jesus I can walk on legos without being harmed
2:05 I have seen that tape before but on another YouTube channel
Anyways it wasn’t her idea to stick her head out the window it was the person filming I heard him or her say stick your head out the window and he already saw that train coming before he told her to do that
How to start a new near dead
ok so i was trick or treating with my 2 sisters and it was late at night cause one of my sisters took a nap so we didn't get out tell late.. since it was late at night we didn't see anyone but us trick or treating. so we started walking around looking for house that light was on and then we saw a guy dressed as Michael Myers from the movie Holloween and he had a gun in his hand but he didnt see us. we drove to the place we was trick or treating at cause our neighborhood had no lights on. so we had a car parked some where. but we forgot where the car was. like 30 minutes later after looking every where we found the car and didnt run into that creepy guy and he never saw us. so yeah
No, it's called near death escapes, get it right !!
The second clip they were using blanks
I was camping with friends and we went to take pics of a mountains we did like the pic so we desiced to go up on the mountain i took a pic and i fall off the cliff good thing for phones i was hanging on my phone while my bestie was on the other side she pulled me up to safety god thx i lived
Who saw 9 solider almost shot in head cuz i did