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I ❤️ god
We all people is lucky beacuse of god our only one father on the heaven and earth and we are all genius beacuse of god too so we are all brilliant?https://tenor.com/bbIMu.gif
I know that the heaven is real. No heaven no peacfull no love so thats why god builded a heaven for us to live when we die in jesus name i pray amen
Angel are not Real and angels not from god ?
I was wrong… God is real p
God please don't put me to hell, I didn't know u exist but now I know…
I wanna be angel
We all love u god
I love you so much god.. i hope i can help my making my healthier i believe in u?
Thank you god for bringing us in the world
For God so Loved the World
That he gave his only begotten son
And whoever belives in him
Shall not perish
But have everlasting live.
I hate devil cause he not nice and I hate hell I like angels and heaven are nice I love god :3
I think angel lost god that’s sad 1 like if u want angel find him
Allhamdulilah and Mashallah for everything god made I know angels are real but it’s hard to believe this I’m Muslim their are angel in Islam also like The angel jibra’il he was like Jibra'il is the archangel responsible for revealing the Quran to Muhammad, verse by verse.
I can be your angle or your devil
Plz don't post such fake videos
All videos are shoot in foreign nations, still they are atheist…more than 85% of their population don't believe in him!
angels, ???
Some youtubers think they can show anything ND will get popularity..they don't know that YouTube is getting popular, not they!
Please put angels to protect me
This of people love in god me too and do believe and do pray jesus
Allah made us all
First one real angel
I hope allah forgives for all the worst thing I have done and. All the bad things I did. Allah pls forgive me. For all the bad thing I have done I want to fix the problems I have done
I believe in it all
I see one in taxes
hey god let me know where I'll be kthxbye
I Very very very love God
i love god
Haven is Real
Umm is this real?
Heaven is real my friend s we are not of this world we belong to our father in heaven. When we follow him the real god the world will be against us but do not worry as it comes from power of death ?. Jesus Christ is my saviour he is the son of god my lovely people I'm not lying his coming is so near just repent that's all I can say. Amen
I saw Gods hand on my sister
He is my hero
I love god i cannot live without him even 1ml second
We are going to spend eternity with Jesus forever Amen!!
I believe in GOD