An elephant that was kept in chains for 50 years and abused by a drug addict who used the animal beg in India has been freed. Raju had been beaten and starved since being poached from the wild as a baby and resorted to eating paper and plastic to fill his stomach. The chains and spikes wrapped around his legs had left him with chronic wounds and arthritis and he was in almost constant pain. But now he is walking free for the first time after a daring rescue by conservationists with a court order by the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department to take the elephant from his abusive owner.
Raju is now recovering in Wildlife SOS’ elephant sanctuary, where he will live with other rescued animals. The charity, founded in India in 1995, is appealing for £10,000 of donations to help start the elephant’s new life. To donate, visit website or cheques or postal orders can be sent to: Wildlife SOS, 483 Green Lanes, London, N13 4BS.
Update on Raju, one year after : Raju The Elephant Celebrates Birthday After Being Freed at
Gajraj the elephant rescue:
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Really sad that so many humans have no love or respect for other species on this planet. We abuse them all, how ever we can. Sadly I must say while we have some people out there who use their hearts with the right intention and in the right way, most of humans take part in the abuse or just stands around and watch doing nothing about it. I hope the day will come when my species will wake up to love, respect, help and protect all living beings on this planet. In my eyes we have the potential to create heaven on earth for all, but at the moment we are deciding with fully awareness to hate, kill and destroy all and everything. This elephant is not alone, there are millions of animals who are not so lucky. I wish people would work together to stop this from happening world wide. I hope to still see that day.
So glad he finally knows freedom and love
Very Awfully is Guy. ? Shame Shame Shame….. ?
I’m so shamed being a human! God gives us this planet not only for humans!for animals too!
Omg!! Cut the hsnds off his bad owner…God bless this beautiful Elephant…live free Beautiful boy!!!!!
Poor Raju… you are free now!!!
The reason why things like this still occur is just because it's the 21st century doesn't mean some humans on this planet aren't still animals themselves. Not everywhere in the world has modern humans. Some places people still live the way they did a 1000 years ago. The problem is there are too many humans now……and still we breed uncontrollably!
Humans are the threats NOT ANIMALS. After rescued you should have allowed the elephant to stomp this owner to death…
I HATE poachers…worst scum on the planet. This poor elephant. NO ANIMAL deserves to be chained…So glad they finally got this poor baby out of there. My god, 50 years of every day feeling like a death sentence… nice going, enslaving a beautiful, majestic animal, making it eat paper and plastic, starving it and all the while beating it.
Someone please, please do everyone a favor & take that pos and place him in chains for the next 50 years
We love your work
I'm very thankful for people like these. They should have killed the captors before they left.
watched this before.. still bums me how low some humans can go
People who do this to animals should be beat to death.
One has to believe in Karma when things like this happen. I hope that owner get’s what he is due.
what pig would put spiked cuffs on an elephant ? Poachers and cruel owners should b shot on site then their bodies hung upside down as an example
I would love to rescue animals !!!!
My goodness! Chains with spikes? That is some Evil ass crap. So glad Ragu was rescued . Get Strong again Ragu, we love you.
Thank you for saving this poor animal.
There is a special hell for those who animals. 🙁
Forgot to hang the scum which had owned the elephant?
Oh my God, that poor, sweet elephant… This is the worst and most deplorable abuse to have been subjected on that incredible elephant. I have absolutely no doubt that elephant was crying. They have found that the brains of elephants contain special spindle cells, thought only to be present in humans. Spindle cells allow the brain to produce and experience emotions such as love, compassion, GRIEF, etc. . Thank GOD this elephant was rescued and will be able to live whatever years this sweet angel has left on this earth surrounded by love, peace, kindness and DIGNITY. There's a special place in hell for his abusers. And I hope they suffer the same endless torture that they so cruelly inflicted on this innocent elephant.. Shame on them.. And there are no words to express the thanks and gratitude in my aching heart to the many rescuers who risked their lives to save this precious elephant and free him… They are true angels….
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see that Fucking drug dealer in spiked chains tied to a public post with nothing to eat but paper & rocks & his own feces left to rot until he dies
Somehow I get the feeling that 95% of this story is bullshit.
Elephants are my favorite animal. I love you guys. TY
His owner is not human, the owner should have an iron chain around his @@@@@ .