Rare Sperm Whale Encounter with ROV | Nautilus Live

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At 598 meters (1,962 ft) below the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, ROV Hercules encountered a magnificent sperm whale. The whale circled Hercules several times and gave our cameras the chance to capture some incredible footage of this beautiful creature. Encounters between sperm whales and ROVs are incredibly rare.

E/V Nautilus is exploring the ocean studying biology, geology, archeology, and more. Watch http://www.nautiluslive.org for LIVE video from the ocean floor. For live dive updates follow along on social media at http://www.facebook.com/nautiluslive and http://www.twitter.com/EVNautilus on Twitter. For more photos from our dives, check out our Instagram @nautiluslive.

Edited by: Daniel Larsh


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About the Author: EVNautilus


  1. This would be so much better without all the idiotic background jabber – just a single narrator would be quite enough.

  2. The great wise and intelligence of the charming , majestic whale observing , LIVING AND REAL NO INVENTION MOBY DICK , and the ridicolous , dreary human chatter .

  3. The whale is fascinated. Imagine what it would be like to be in the whales "shoes". You know it's listening to them. Thank God killing whales is no longer acceptable to most of the world.

  4. Although I appreciate the excitement, I can do without 4 min. straight of it. What I would prefer is less talking over each other and MORE scientific information about the species, location, equipment, the science team, statistics, etc.

  5. How is this a rare encounter? I straight up just watch some quality hentai Haven and I see tons of sperm whales that get flushed into my toilet.

  6. Guys, remember climate change. This…..is what we're trying to save. Our planet with amazing humans and animals everywhere. Thank you guys for all of your hard work. Wish I could be down there with you. Although this video is incredible, I can only imagine it will never be as incredible as being there! Whale:….."Oh look, they finally made it down here. How cool…..".

  7. Fantastic! What an otherworldly encounter! And a perfectly peaceful one! Too bad there was no external microphone … or an external speaker dynamos! Would love to hear the whale’s response to bird-song sounds. Would be intriguing to find a study of such an interchange. I’ve seen/read about elephants responding differently to very-low freqs sounds (low rpm records of classical music) played in the fields of African desert.

  8. I bet that whale is saying to themselves "Whale(like saying man but it's a whale) you can't get away from these people anywhere!" or "What are they doing way down here? " "No privacy anywhere! " .

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