An all-natural, uncut, original video of Taro the Violet Chinchilla taking a dust bath in 4k ultra high definition. You haven’t seen a chinchilla dust bath until you’ve seen it in 4k!
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thanks for the dusty rat creature youtube
Now I understand why this is called an epic dust bath
Sneezing just watching this shit ?
Awww so cute
Some type of Pokémon ? And why is this in my recommended?
Why dafuq don’t it jump out
Dafuq is this creature
What’s my life become
Everyone: uhH wHY Is ThiS In MY ReCOmeNdED?????
Jajaja yo lo hubiese echado a la regadera conmigo!! ????
Шиншилла в кокаине?
So stupid video!
i love this
I'd ask why this is in my recommended, but it's probably from all of the cat and dog videos I watch
It’s so cute but right now my allergies are telling me to stop watching it before dust explodes out of my screen and i end up sneezing for months
I m allergic to dust
I guess this is what I do with my spare time now
Hum… YouTube ? Can you, please, explain to me how this video ended up being recommended to me ? I'm more and more confused about your algorithms ??
I feel like he needs a glass of water after that bath
Is anyone here who can tell me about why he do that?
Video made me cough. Clear the throat.
He is fast even in 0.25 speed
Chinchilla out.

Me: 1hour later laughing at the comments 1:13
Aaah choo! So cute…
when I saw the thumbnail I thought you bathe him in liquid nitrogen and I got scared
Did they just put dust in the thing that you’re supposed to put food (rice) in-
We want our coats to be nice.
Why am i enjoying this??
I sneezed three times watching this
They are the cutest and when they bond with a human it's amazing the love they give you.
I can feel the dust between my toes/fingers ?. Cute video though.
So funny how they roll around in dust
I knew it said chinchilla but…I said in my head epic enchilada dust bath in 4k ultra high definition…..
Is it a must to have dust bath? I could died asthma if i have pet like that.
I want to kill it
We look cute and cuddly ,
but don't buy us on impulse …
We need food , water , shelter and your attention and love ..
– Chinchillas ?
이 영상을 보니 없던 비염이 생겼습니다.
I thought he was frozen.
Who buys dust in a bag??and who the fuck collects dust in a bag
I literally thought the thumbnail was a freeze dried chinchilla until I looked at the name