When I first found Hope I could not believe my eyes. The dog was obviously skinned alive by humans. The cuts were too clean and too straight. However I could not believe it, I was saying maybe it is done from dogs, maybe I am wrong. But when 4 vets told me that these cuts were from a knife I was certain and crushed. How could anyone do this? Everybody told me to put the dog to sleep. But when the dog looked at me I saw in her eyes that she wanted to live. So we made 4 operations to pull her remaining skin together. And she become a happy dog that got adopted! Please do not hurry to put dogs to sleep if they want to fight for their lives…
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1.Sadness and Sorrow – Naruto soundtrack. (Toshio Masuda). Cover by Allison Sparrow
2. Inspirational Dream – AShamaluevMusic.
He was so CUTE in the snow ?? I’m so happy he’s better, he’s healthy and has a GREAT quality of life..god bless that woman for taking him. Animals are innocent, poor baby didn’t deserve to be hurt ??
That poor wee sweatheart.
Skinned alive for sport, no sane person would do this surely, Some people are just pure evil.
She looked so terrified when you first saw her.
She seems to be such a a lovely natured dog and I’m glad she has recovered well and is now in a loving forever home.
Thank you for all you do for these animals ?????????
My God ! How could a person be so cruel ? Thank God this baby was saved ! God bless the people that adopted him !
Oh no!
This comment people have no right to comment because these are the same people killing pig cow chicken for Thier food mercilessly
How cruel what happen to humanity . Only God can heal that dog got save by the lord . I love you God you never leave my site . Love is amazing only e God . God is love and he prove it right here right now that we can change our ways . Poor guy that did these to these dog will surely pay . Repent and be born alive .
Who would do this and he still wants to give kisses? This makes me so mad.
I have no words. This absolutely broke my heart. I am so grateful you didn’t give up on her and she gets to experience love and comfort. I hope whoever did that this to an innocent creature will never find peace
Gawd people can be such monsters
I am so glad Hope has a wonderful life now. I still wish I have the opportunity to skin the fucker who did this to her.
The veterinarian was able to pull the skin back together, so it might be that the dog at one time had a wire or rope tied around his midsection. This could have cut through the skin causing the separation we see in the video. I am having some trouble comprehending the possibility that anyone would intentionally inflict such a horrific injury on the animal.
Nooooooooooo frigginn pyscho. Hurts my heart and I don't want to believe this but then whoever posted it would psycho. Resilient and lively family
If I saw this early I wood give up some of my human skin to help. Said dog in Colorado in USA. And I am a diabetic
This ranks in my top 3 of most f'n cruel & what I could do someone THIS FUCKING EVIL & THE PAIN I WANT THEM TO SUFFER IS MORE UNIMAGINABLE
Beautiful dog, beautiful people, beautiful ending (or beginning) for this puppy.
I watch a lot of these dog rescues, but this one really got to me.
THANK YOU for saving this poor innocent creature. Whoever did this deserves whatever painful karma is coming to them. I will NEVER understand this evil in humankind.
Fuckin Cruella de vil shit what the hell ?
The people who did this to her should be sent to prison.
the gods are smiling on you for what you did. I thought I knew what cruelty was….. I didn't know anything. because this is on you tube, I can't fully say what I want to about whom ever did this. this is beyond inhuman!
We dont deserve this planet and the beauty that comes with it. Some people are just pure evil. Poor pup. Never trust a person who does not like animals
They have to put, punishment to people do that, person who do that is a danger to society is a siko a sick mentally person need to be put away dead sentence.
Who do that to him, that people need go prision do same to them.
Oh how I would have loved to gotten my hands on the demon or demons who did this. They would never have been seen or heard from again.
I would like to skin that piece of shit.
I've seen some crazy stuff on YouTube but when I saw this puppy my mouth popped open and I started to tear up WHATS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE IN WORLD God bless you for helping this living being
God bless you for helping this puppy so glad to see her happy and for those who did that awful thing to her im gonna do the same thing to you
Humans are the most dangerous animals on earth
I Hope for Hope and others that suffer as she did by the hands of those who done this ,will suffer the Wrath of God for such cruelty.
Thank you for helping this baby and Thank you to her adopter
❤️✝️❤️ God bless.
Why did the music in the beginning sound like a Naruto sound track.?
This sick this real sick for a human who done this. This poor dog doesn't deserve this.
(Sorry for Bad grammar here.)
Honestly I don’t believe in god but, to the person who skinned that dog. Someone or something saw you and they will not judge you kindly in the afterlife.
Do them the same way all you can say so wrong in so many ways