Every spring the male alligators put on a spectacular mating display but can Helen get them to start flirting? Taken from Animal Super Senses. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BBCEarthSub
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Omg this made me smile soooo big !!!! SOOOO BEAUTIFUL !!!!!
How my burp sounds like I swear
Yall need to stop messing with these creatures emotions ?
Lovely Video ,????" Thanks "..
Sounds like dinosaurs? As if you've really heard one. Very similar to when you talk about evolution, though.
The reason why I’m here because I’m inquisitive
Wait…that's it…I want to see more
3:07 when alligator is excited ??
This is incredible!
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Infrassound, big cats, and elephants have it too, humans cant hear it but can feel vibration in the chest cavity
The frequency produced by the alligators, according to the voiceover, is 19 Hz. Whats so special about that frequency. Why do the alligators only bellow at that specific frequency?
Blue balls afterwards
In every species guys have to do all the work just to get laid while the women jus complain
Sounds just like a lion or tiger
I like them big
i… i think i just got asmr-ed by a flirting crocodile
WAlker walker walker Growling!!….. alí alí Alligator Crawlinggggg HEYY
thought they would fight to the death cuz there scary looking but I guess they dance?????
I don’t understand the male and female aren’t with each other
How she know what dinosaurs sound like??
Vibrating + aligators =
Superb wasn’t aware about this and now cool to know
Bellowing: I am the biggest boi. Lemme smash.
I’ve heard and watched so many videos of alligators mating all are different I wonder which is correct
An alligator that lives by my house does this everytime I walk by. What does it mean? OMG!!!!
I’m here cause of tumblr
The woman in the video was turned on
17 million year! I don't believe you
Just shaking
Twerk gater TWERK
Wow I never knew that
Wow I never know this is amazing this change everything
I’m learning so much
Don't be fooled. These are crocodiles ?
They are dinosaurs, not the birds.
How did I get here it is 4:20 am