Scotland – A kayaking mistake

Scotland - A kayaking mistake
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I’d just finished filming a mountaineering day, when I came across a group of paddlers by the foot of Ben Nevis. They were dropping in on the 20ft Lower Falls. Swollen with the recent rains, it was powerful and things didn’t go as planned for the first paddler.


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About the Author: MonsterMountains


  1. Hello. Glad it turned out ok in the end. I work for a video licensing organisation called Newsflare and it would be great to talk to you about licensing this footage. Please drop me an email and we can talk more. kenneth[dot]gawne[at]newsflare[dot]com

  2. there wasn't a thing near death about that, considering when he flipped what happened was virtually the best possible outcome. getting pinned at the top in the shallows, which easily could've happened would have been truly life threatening

  3. Looks quite painful. Kayaking remains quite dangerous if you're unlucky and/or react wrong. I hope that he has survived.
    He already lost patience when he stopped at the stone. Then he let his boat lean on the wrong side. I'm quite confused why he wasn't able to do the roll. His comerade didn't even react a bit. It doesn't look really professional and thoughtful. I usually take my short playboat but at this stony fall even I would have take my best Creeker and not a riverrunner.

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