In winter Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys, warm up in natural hot springs. David Levene visits Japan’s Jigokudani Monkey Park in Nagano, the only place in the wild where you can view the monkeys as they relax in the steaming water – while the monkey babies show more interest playing with tourists’ camera equipment
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They have the right idea ?
They be like : "look at these mongkey, taking our photo without even asking….. While we are naked.
I thought monkies didn't like water much? These monkies love it!!! Why so different? Is it cause the water is so warm???
Agi santai nyet ???
I m from India but I love Japan and their animes and feel bad they to face so much like atomic bombs and earthquake still they r one of the best country love u Japan from India.???
They just vibing
They look so relaxed ?
Has been seeing that damn meme for so many years . Thanks youtube recommending this today !
So cute
YouTube: recommended after 7 years
Me: ok it's cool!
Seeya after 3 years in same video comments section as per YouTube algorithm..hav nice day!!!
0:18 stop there.. ??
3:55 how the mother put her hands around her child to keep warm❤
Wear big jacket scarf ontop of that a hat says it rather warm this year
?? 啊!习明泽啊!哈哈哈哈哈 !!!
This is how i feel in the winter when im high in my bath
They relaxed more often than my daily routine.. why youtube recomend me this?
SaD wOrkEr NoISe
Meanwhile I'm stuck in the office doing boring works to pay bills…
It’s a vacation me and my girls ?????❤️❤️❤️❤️
1.42 dentist