![Percy’s first death [Critical Role 1x68]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Percy’s-first-death-Critical-Role-1x68-818x490.jpg)
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Matthew Mercer: https://twitter.com/matthewmercer
Ashley Johnson: https://twitter.com/TheVulcanSalute
Marisha Ray: https://twitter.com/marisha_ray
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Taliesin Jaffe: https://twitter.com/executivegoth
How many times, Taliesin— HOW MANY—
That look on Mercer's face as he realises he's going to be sleeping on the couch for a week.
Still the best, most emotional, heart wrenching, anti-cathartic moment of either campaigns.
When you realize that pc death is actually possible
When you have to comfort others for your death
Talisen is so casual about the death of Percy. It's somewhat concerning
Percival fredrickstein Von musel klossowski de Rolo the Third.
The look on Laura Bailey Face guts me.