I’ve added a link in the banner at the top of my Youtube homepage that says. “Donate to help my channel” It is a direct link to my paypal and will help me to acquire new equipment that will help improve my channel and the content I provide in my videos. Just click the link to donate. No amount is too small. Every donation helps, and I would be glad to mention your name or business in my videos if you donate. Everything that I have acquired I have bought myself, and filming equipment is very expensive. I’m not the type of person to ask for money, but I feel this is very important for the improvement of my videos and to really grow this channel to its full potential. Some of the things on my list include a drone that captures video, which I think will be an awesome addition to my small arsenal of video equipment. It is something that I can capture video literally anywhere, and I since I live in the country I would love to take it to the woods and try to capture wildlife videos, as well as flying it in the city nearby to create great video. A lot of youtubers are utilizing drones in their videos and the footage from the drones is a major part of their videos There are many other things I would like to purchase but the drone is first on my list. I appreciate any help I can get on this. I love to provide great content for you guys along with positive messages each day to make your day better. thanks again, and please hit that button and donate to our channel. Thank you, George
I can remember when we were almost at a million views and now this video is at 2.2 million. I think that’s amazing. Thank you guys so much. Let’s try to get it to 3 million views now. Please share it with your friends and family. Thank you so much, Benji was a wonderful little guy and we miss him so much. I am so glad that I filmed so much of his life, so I can always go back and watch all of these videos to remind me how wonderful he was.
Everyone let's get something straight, that is a bobcat raised from a baby age otherwise instead of grinding on the guy he would be ripping him a new one
If anyone think this is wild they are clearly mistaken…guess wild cats come declawed
geez find a room you two
Bobcats might be able to recognize MANY MAY scents after YEARS. Similar to wolves.
Pretty disgusting. Get a dog if you want a loyal and loving companion – cats don't understand loyalty, they only understand owning and killing.
Great to see this special relationship between a bobcat and a young man ! I have two F1 Savannah Cats named VERSACE and ARMANI on my YOUTUBE CHANNEL ?
When you raise anything with love and contentment from a baby they grow up with love and contentment.
Bobcat: "Property properly marked."
Same color hair.
That love has gotta sting, ouch!
Rubbing all his pheromones onto him.
no money for you.
That description box is one hell of a way to annihilate any type of warm fuzzies people get from this video.
Where's the video of that cat pissed off, my house cat is all rubbie lovie sometimes too. Cool video. Love cats.
You're mistaking the cats actions for love.
I want a Bob cat!!?
That’s crazy
Is it true that if a bobcat is raised by humans from kittenhood that they won't attack their human owners when they grow up?
0:39 Lmao it looked like the bobcat was waving at him to come back ???
Let's be honest, the cat is just claiming a new slave.
how sweet
This wild cat is more sociable and playful than many domestic cats haha
para que vean que los animales si tienen sentimientos
Que bello
Very cute
Cómo se llama?
I’ve watched this maybe 7 times over the years. Always a good video.
My dad tamed a bobcat once when he was 6 he had it for 9 months and when he first brought it into his house it destroyed everything grabbed a steak or something then ran he tells me this story all the time
love Benc 🙂
Compared to most cats this one rubs its scent more vigorously compared to most domestic cats.
It’s amazing how even in wildcats there’s a shared loving contact between them and domestic kitties. It’s like we are their pack. I truly believe that. Our dogs and cats see us as a pack. That primal family dynamic is awesome
So cute??
More loving than my cat…
bobcat: C'mere fella
Beautiful bobcat
Awe…..so sweet! Animals are Awesome, their unconditional Love is amazing & it doesn’t matter what you look like, how tall/short you are , how smart you are , or if you’re disabled or not. I’m disabled with severe nerve pain & back pain/problems & my Daughters dogs are extra gentle with me & lick my feet because they know I’m in a lot of pain especially my feet they can sense so much as well as my kitty Luna. I adore animals of all kinds & they sense if you’re a loving person or not & that’s why I can meet a dog that’s mean to everyone but I’ll go right up & pat him no problem! Some people have that gift with animals, my daughters are the same. Even wild birds and animals come up to us or visit us closely daily! Bobcats are beautiful, & you’re so blessed to have that connection & family member in your lives . Take care animal lovers & help any animal in need if you can. ILYA my friends ???
0:39 Come here hooman
You guys could make a update video with those two nowdays.
I think he's a very sweet bobcat
You now wear his scent, I think that’s like marriage.
I feel like its fake and it a robot XD im dumb
That's a trip
What a heart warming moment. Can't believe there are so many dislikes; probably trolls that don't think bobcats should be kept as pets.
Can you imagine if he were to bring him to school for show and tell.
That boy definitely belongs to that cat
I wanted to let you know that another YouTube site is using one of these videos titled “boy saves bobcat from forest fire”. I don’t know if this is accurate as I’ve followed you for awhile back and I don’t recall that part of your story. FYI! Also another website called TheAnimalBible.net is also showing that. A friend had sent the website link to me based off the story and I was like, wait a sec! Just wanted to make sure you knew.
Aww I want to hold a bobcat they are so cute