Disaster strikes on Aug. 5, 2010, as a copper and gold mine collapses in Chile, trapping 33 men underground. With more than 2,000 feet of rock in their way, members of a rescue team work tirelessly for 69 days to save the seemingly doomed men. Beneath the rubble, the miners begin an epic quest to survive, contending with suffocating heat and the need for food and water. With family, friends and the rest of the world watching, it becomes a race against time and a test of the human spirit.
To bad they do have a big John
Guys this is real I saw it all over the news on 2010
This movie is allegory for the path of spiritual enlightenment in every human being.
sooo the president of chile when he read the message from the miners literally said " Live chile shit"
I watched this live on TV… They pulled the miners out at exactly 11:11 !! Que milagro!!
Mexico has thier own 33 but they are missing? Anyone know what I'm talking bout?
Was the only one who cried at the end of the movie ?
Does this one have captions?
They should make a movie about the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Which is the first earthquake to happen in any country in the world in early 2010 before the one in Chile.
Erica Lopez
Thailand 12 boys
My school has done a test on this.
Gracias nasa de Estados Unidos ?? te amamos ??
Wow eh vivido por eso de dejar el alcohol el es un hombre muy Grande.
I've lived through alcohol withdrawls he is a great man
Have and Have nots
I hope the movie maker gave them money cus this movie is making money and i thank GOD for the 33 i love you Jesus and our creator GOD ty
the song ruined it wtf
man that movie was so deep
They didn't get any money for damages and now they can't even work because they have ptsd and other health problems they are more poor now