Adorable Snake Is So Affectionate With Her Mom | This woman had no plans to get a python — until an extremely adorable one stole her heart ?
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And a very cute mom!
Was expecting the video to end with this snake who studied her all these years to finally figure out a way to eat her.
I love boop snoots. And this is how every snake should be with people. I wanna snake to treat me like it
Every snakes does that at least mine is like this
I hate snakes but she’s adorable ♥️
some day she will eat you alive!
"There is someone for everyone" , I believe in that now
I wonder why my mom is afraid of snakes ?
What kind of snake is this?
What kind of snake is this?
What kind of snake is this?
what kind of snake is this?
I love this! This is me and my snake XD
I once got bite right between the eyes by a blow snake in Utah. I was giving it a ? kiss showing the kids how friendly they are. True story. I tried to pull it off my face while smiling and joking and the snake just stretched so I had to choke up on it.
I used to be scared of snakes and after going to camp, I’m not scared of them and it’s only been 2 days since I came back from camp and I already want a snake.
That is a very fat snake
Does it contain any venom
i’ve never seen so many uneducated people in a comment section before
Everyone is taking about how cute they are or how dangerous they are… BUT NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE SNAKES YAWN!!! Come on now that’s cute. Big Yawn Suff
Wish i could eat
Had no idea about the censor pits, i always thought they only smelled with the tongue.
Next life time i am going to collect a zoo of deadly animals and creatures (in my head they like me for more than just a food source). Its gonna be a whos who of venom, fangs, predatory natures and maternal love. The more dangerous the more love. HEE HEE.
People snakes are scary
Snake: no u
Actually reptilea don't get attached to people.