FOR KIDS: Baby animals on the farm, with their natural sounds – cute foals, chicks, calfs, piglets

FOR KIDS: Baby animals on the farm, with their natural sounds - cute foals, chicks, calfs, piglets
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Especially for small children, I made “BABY ANIMALS ON THE FARM” without any music, so that they can experience the animals with their natural sounds. From the young alpaca foal to a sweet drift of piglets, many young animals can be seen in this video.
Various rare breeds are seen in this video:
Sprinzen cattle,
Mangalica pig,
White Baroque donkey,
Orpington chicken,
Tux-Zillertal cattle,
Valais Blackneck goat,
Whitecrested Polish chicken,
Proveis-Ultental chicken,

Robert Höck, October 2018


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About the Author: Robert Höck


  1. Robert have you had any experience with the Belgian Liege fighter (Luikse Vechter) in your flocks? I am thinking about having one for protection against hawks. I am hearing that they are very good protectors.

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