#fails #painfulfails #failarmy #brutalfails This guy literally almost dies from… If you own any of these clips and don’t want me to use them I would gladly remove it ? [I DARE YOU TO CLICK THIS LINK] https://youtube.com/c/ThePainIsReal?sub_confirmation=1 Hope y’all enjoy this video, love you guys ❤️?
Send your clips at ThePainIsRealYT@gmail.com to get featured!
This is reason why HELMET EXIST
0:32…..That hurts
4:57 rip mans neck
U will be in our memories
I spy with my little eyes…something that slurrs your speech, causes retardation, and is irreparable?.
Do you know what it is?
Buen ending xd, el dolor 9.7/10 (el de la bici y el auto) en general 9/10
best fail comp ive ever seen. thank you for delivering
i ran full speed into a door frame with my face once, still got the scar 😉
I think some of these people died!
3:19 Mario Kart
8:17 i cried
Theres no thumbs up
Also at 1min 7secs the middle guy starts to believe he can fly ???
1:04 this man flew like a gta iv ragdoll ?
Cheered me right up this haha. Thank you
5:54 I think he dead.
4:18 after headkick he grabbed him and finished him with a vicious ground slam
At 2:59 the way he bounced off ground like a bouncy ball had me laughing way too much ???
People need to understand that when they film something, no matter how fucked up something get, do your job and continue filming. Let someone else call 911 ?
Is it bad that sone of these i thought were funny
9:10 that is brutal AF. The sound from his head is horrible. poor guy 🙁
9:15 yeah kid back flips don't mean throwing yourself on the floor
Nobody died in this video they just got srsly injured
I think Ive seen this same compilation on another channel?
Fkn gay ass music
I swear the guy on the bicycle snapped his neck and died
4:44 pmsl haha his head disappeared
2:09 fuck lol he's really dead blud ?
1:59 Omg why did I laugh so much that poor human ? ?
Someday when few of us remain, locked in a cave deep underground attempting to outlive nuclear fallout, these videos will be like currency!?
2:00 guarantee this kid craps blood weekly, and eats liquids whilst wearing the helmet, poor poor boy
The most painful fails are the constant "Leave a like and don't forget to subscribe banners" They rarely serve as an effective means of self promotion
3:00 his head was a basketball
hmm yes wear protection on i5s safe with that
8:42 Woman Bike Rider