A ‘remix’ of the very good original video by HowNowHowDow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p74VWuBJSS0, featuring Sail by AWOLNATION (I do not own this music) also featuring the Omega Remix of the same (https://soundcloud.com/omegadubstep/awolnation-sail-omega-remix)
Just felt the new music fit better. No toe-stepping intended, all credit to original authors.
Found it… !! I posted one earlier on different account .. But this is the one I was looking for…. ??
we are biologicaly designed to doubt.DO NOT DO THIS YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING YOU WANT
Every video I click on its the same damn song like
nice vid !
at the end it turns into a remix
The Utah footage looks like Devin Graham's work. Did you get his permission?
Ok, but Where's the Cats are Awesome version?
This isnt a remix
you can make this remix in a car, when the song starts put up the bass in the radio
that bass was better than my grades last year
Most of these where filmed in Utah MY STATE!
WOW man! i love this song, but the video let me speech less!
Some people are awesome 😛
Muito masa não assista o ao contrário
Cool, my GOD the girls at the end……..
awsome. this i my motivation video in the morning
3:11 It's Gliding!
This is a remix you piece of crap. The song isn't any different than the recorded version. Good footage though. Next time don't false advertise your video.
I was hoping for a Sail boat montage.
Why am I not awesome?
Alexthegreatest yeah that's right I saw that episode
That guy freerunning in the blue,wasn't he on that one Top Gear with another free runner vs. a guy on a bike?
damn dude it was great until 4:05!
Shoulda went with the awesome unlimited gravity remix
If you really care if he is telling the truth that he lives in the general area of a stunt biker, I think you have bigger issues to worry about. Haha.
Remix ? Where ?
funny thing is the guy on bmx on the old English telephone box live just up the road from me and is next door to my m8
good one 🙂 gratz